A tweening system designed to be embedded in third-party assets. There can be any number of copies, as long as the namespaces and assemblies in which they are embedded are different.
⚠️ Not recommended for use in non-distributed projects, only in distribution assets. Use other alternatives that have better usability and performance.
- Unity 2022.2 or later
Click on the button below to go to the page to configure a custom NanoTween.
- Use the button above or the link in repository about to open the configuration page.
- Using the form, enter the data you need and download the archive.
- Copy the
folder to your asset directory.
Easy to create tweens using builder.
Image image = GetComponent<Image>();
var builder = image.CreateTween(from: Color.white, to: Color.black, duration: 2f)
.From(() => image.color) // Uses the passed getter at startup time after the delay.
.To(Color.black) // Uses the passed value when creating a tween.
// With Prefix is used for configuration.
.WithDelay(2f) // Creates a delay before execution.
.WithLoops(2, NLoopType.Yoyo, affectOnDuration: true) // Creates a Loop with the passed parameters.
.WithTimeKind(TimeKind.UnscaledTime) // Sets the update time.
.WithEase(EaseFunction.InOutSine) // Sets Ease.
.WithPlaybackSpeed(2f) // Sets the Playback Speed.
// On Prefix is used for callbacks.
.OnStart(() => { /* Logic */ }) // Called during startup.
.OnStartDelayed(() => { /* Logic */ }) // Called during the actual startup, taking into account the delay.
.OnComplete(() => { /* Logic */ }) // Called upon completion or cancellation.
// Other methods not related to creation.
.Preserve(); // Does not invoke Dispose for the builder. Allows to reuse the builder.
// Run the tween with the passed parameters:
// target - MonoBehaviour, which is used to start the coroutine.
// action - Action<T, TTarget>, used to set values during interpolation.
var handle = builder.Run(target: image, action: static (v, target) => target.color = v);
builder.Dispose(); // Don't forget to call Dispose after use if the builder has called Preserve().
This project is licensed under the MIT License.