Description Timescale
How to install Timescale on Hidora
- import the manifest.jps into Hidora platform
After few minutes, you will have to continue to configure the Slave database, for that, enter these commands below :
- until PGPASSFILE=~/.pgpass.conf pg_basebackup -h ${REPLICATE_FROM} -D ${PGDATA} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -vP -w; do echo "Retrying backup ...";sleep 2; done
- if it is ok, then : rm ~/.pgpass.conf
- echo "standby_mode = on" > /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/recovery.conf
- echo "primary_conninfo = 'host=${REPLICATE_FROM} port=5432 user=${POSTGRES_USER} password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} application_name=${REPLICA_NAME}'" >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/recovery.conf
- echo "primary_slot_name = '${REPLICA_NAME}_slot'" >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/recovery.conf
- chown -R postgres:postgres ${PGDATA}
- chmod 0600 ${PGDATA}/recovery.conf
- sudo -u postgres -i bash -c 'pg_ctl -D ${PGDATA} -w start'