The idea is to create a check that uses the entire nagios/centreon/Inciga pipeline to send each minutete a notification to deadman snitch.
Then use deadman snitch to be notify in case of heartbeat missing.
create a dummy check which triggers randomly and use deadman. Work with nagios* like shinken, inciga, centreon.
1 - create a nagios check command who call
2 - create an fake monitored Host with localhost ip adress and assign the check command above through a service or a check command.
3 - Link this "faky deadman host" to a notification command who rise email to deadman snitch at every status changing.
use watch command to try the script
watch ./
you should have randomly each 2sc a new nagios ready state (OK / WARNING / CRITICAL) :
Every 2.0s: ./ Tue Apr 26 10:25:09 2022