I am studying in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Computer science from year 2021 to 2025. My specialiation will be in AI and Machine Learning! I am looking into expanding my knowledge into the field of finance and am in the midst of taking a CFA.
- NTU (Bachelor with honours)
- National University Singapore (Semester) 2023
- Tsinghua University (Virtual) 2023
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Semester) 2024
- Peking University (Summer) 2024
- Tsinghua University (Virtual) 2024
My Repo will contain some of my projects, summary and notes of the modules I have taken in NTU. I am trying to make some Youtube videos on projects that I have taken in NTU or my solutions of some of the modules I've taken. Check those out in my channel. If you are interested in learning more about me, do check my portfolio out here!
- Working at Flo Energy as a Data Analyst!
- Some modules at school
- Looking at forecasting energy price and risk analysis
If there is something that interests you, reach out to me anytime through my email!
Personal Email: [email protected]
School Email: [email protected]