An attendance management system built for UP System. Uses facial recognition and RFID scanning for fast and efficient attendance recording.
( be updated..)
- Fast and accurate facial recognition based on the Facenet model.
- Utilizes the newly released UP RFID card, and together with facial recognition, forms a 2-step validation process to identify a student accurately.
- Python:
- Django:
- the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines - Django-Ninja:
- production-grade and fast to setup REST framework on top of Django - PostgreSQL:
- The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database - Nuxt 3: - The Intuitive Vue Framework
- deepface - For wrapping popular face detection and recognition models into an easy to use library
- Please see the database setup here. You should have the following environment variables saved in the .env file after properly setting up Postgre.
DATABASE_NAME=<your_database_name> DATABASE_USER=<your_database_username> #defaults to 'postgre' DATABASE_PASSWORD=<your_database_password> DATABASE_HOST=<your_database_hostname> #defaults to 'localhost' DATABASE_PORT=<your_database_port>
- Ensure you have Python and pip installed on your machine.
- Install virtualenv if not already installed:
pip install virtualenv
- Create and start virtual environment in the project directory, then install needed packages:
# For Python 3 py -m venv venv # in cmd, activate virtual environment .\venv\Scripts\activate # install packages pip install -r requirements.txt
- Write necessary environment variables in .env file
#see DJANGO_SECRETKEY=<your_generated_django_secret_key> #default="localhost:3000" DOMAIN=<your_nuxt_dev_server" #setup 2-Factor Authentication and generate your app password EMAIL_HOST_USER=<your_email> EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=<your_account_app_password>
- Run database migrations
# For Python 3 py makemigrations py migrate
- Create a superuser (basically a supercharged Teacher account) account for managing Django
# For Python 3 py createsuperuser
- Run Django server
py runserver
- Open the Django Ninja Automated API documentation and the Django admin
- After running the Django server, run Nuxt server using:
npm run dev
- Open the link provided by the dev server, usually http://localhost:3000
We are currently not accepting pull requests as this is our final project for the degree of BS Computer Science. Issues are open however. Thank you.
Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See LICENSE.txt for more information.