ChatColor allows players to change the color and style of their chat to many different things! All the Minecraft colors and modifiers supported!
- Change the color of yours or another player's chat to a huge variety of options!
- Choose exactly what you want to use, and type one single command to use it!
- This plugin supports all the Minecraft colors as well as the modifiers, giving a wide range of customisation!
- Choose up to four different modifiers for your color!
- Rainbow chat color allows you to have a color pattern for your messages!
- Not only that, but you can change the colors in the pattern to whatever you like!
- Now also supporting console commands! Have a donor purchase? Why not add a chat color? :)
- Useful help commands to sort out any problems you might run in to!
- Easy to use permissions to restrict specific colors and modifiers, or allow all of them with wildcard permissions!
- A permission for every color and every modifier, as well as every command!
- This plugin is fully customisable!! What does that mean? Well:
- You can change nearly all of the messages in the plugin in the config!
- As well as this, change cooldowns, join message, notifications and more!
<value> = Required value.
[value] = Optional value.
- /chatcolor [player] [modifiers] - Change yours or a player's chat color!
- /chatcolor enable - Attempts to enable the plugin if something went wrong.
- /chatcolor permissionshelp - Shows permissions help!
- /chatcolor settingshelp - Shows settings help!
- /chatcolor reload - Reloads the config, use if you edited it!
- /chatcolor reloadmessages - Reloads all messages, use if you changed them!
- /chatcolor reset - Use with caution, resets the config to the default!
- /chatcolor set - Changes one of the many settings! (See below for details)
- /chatcolor - Shows your current chat color!
- /chatcolor available - Shows your available colours and modifiers!
- /chatcolor commandshelp - Shows command help! You can also use /chatcolor help.
- command-name - Changes the base command to whatever you want!
- color-override - Changes whether ChatColor overrides '&' color symbols in messages.
- confirm-timeout - Changes the time that players get when making a decision.
- default-color - Changes the color that all players get when joining (also one-time sets all players).
- join-message - Changes if players are told their color when joining.
- notify-others - Changes whether players are told if their chat color is changed by someone else.
- rainbow-sequence - Changes the colors in the rainbow chat color pattern.
- auto-save - Changes whether the plugin will auto-save to files every 5 minutes, in case of a crash.
Valid Colors:
- 0 or black
- 1 or
- 2 or green
- 3 or dark.aqua
- 4 or red
- 5 or purple
- 6 or gold
- 7 or grey
- 8 or dark.grey
- 9 or blue
- a or
- b or aqua
- c or
- d or magenta
- e or yellow
- f or white
Valid Modifiers:
- k or obfuscated
- l or bold
- m or strikethrough
- n or underlined
- o or italic
- chatcolor.* - Allows a player to use everything in ChatColor.
- chatcolor.use - Allows a player to use /chatcolor and /chatcolor cmdhelp.
- chatcolor.color.* - Allows a player to use all colors.
- chatcolor.color.<color> - Allows a player to use color.
- chatcolor.modifier.* - Allows a player to use all modifiers.
- chatcolor.modifier.<modifier> - Allows a player to use a modifier.
- chatcolor.change.* - Allows a player to change everyone's chat color.
- chatcolor.change.self - Allows a player to change their own color.
- chatcolor.admin.* - Allows a player to use all admin commands.
- chatcolor.admin.<command> -Allows a player to use an admin command.
Note: You must use either numbers or letters found above for the colors and modifiers permissions except 'chatcolor.color.rainbow'.
- Plugin showcase by honanulu :)