Linux GUI for all DPS variable power supplies with USB or Bluetooth connection.
sudo pip3 install minimalmodbus
sudo pip3 install pyqt5
(Optional for plot)
sudo pip3 install pyqtgraph numpy
- Modify config.json:
- "dev_init_command": OS-Command to connect to device
- You will need your Device-MAC-Adress for bluetooth connection
- If you're using USB, you may leave this blank and just set the correct "dev_path". This may vary for different linux distributions
- "dev_path": Set directory, where the device is mounted
- Leave anything else (you can change "update_rate", which sets GUI-update-rate)
- "dev_init_command": OS-Command to connect to device
- Run the following command:
- You may need to run as root for read/write privileges:
sudo python3