With the help of "badwordlist.xlsx" all the inappropriate words are removed from the sheet. It finds if a word is present in a specified sheet. It fetches left neighbour and right neighbour of the word specified. Excluding stop words and proper noun. As per the words in different level it identifies the words in the meaning which belong to higher level i.e level 6 word present in the meaning of level 2. It finds the meaning of the word passed in the function. Counts number of syllables in your word. It splits the meaning of the word with POS tags. It identifies the family of word i.e groups of words that have a common feature or pattern. They have the same letter combinations, a similar sound, and they're a wonderful tool for those new to spelling.
1onsetsample: It changes the first 1 letters of the word and finds words which have meaning.
Example: cat,bat,hat...
2onsetsample: It changes the first 2 letters of the word and finds words which have meaning.
Example: cat,hat.bat,bot,hot...
NOTE: Please do check the name of the sheet and modify as required.