This repository is intended to show you the configuration applied by me in neovim to use it as an IDE.
- sudo pacman -S xclip (clipboard)
- sudo pacman -S ripgrep (Telescope)
- sudo pacman -S python-virtualenv (nvim-lsp-installer)
- sudo pacman -S clang (lspconfig: clang)
- sudo pacman -S cmake (lspconfig: cmake)
We have to install necessary font that neovim shows the symbols on the status bar, to do this please following the steps on this repository
sudo pacman -S ttf-hack-nerd
The vscode-json-language-server isn't included in the build-in snippets of Neovim therefore we have to install the language server with AUR repository*.
git clone
cd vscode-langservers-extracted
sudo pacman -U vscode-langservers-extracted-4.10.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst