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publish_mpl is an extension of the MATLAB publish function with extra possibilities for latex. Motivation for creating this new function is that I want more control than the pdf and html format of publish can offer. So LaTeX is the obvious choice but at the same time I want to avoid manual editing of the tex file as much as possible. By using an adapted xsl file, the package matlab-prettifier created by Julien Cretel and additional publish options we can achieve the following:

  • specify the documentclass and layout of the document
  • show MATLAB code (and also listings of mfiles) in a nice layout
  • specify hyperref options that determine the pdf attributes
  • specify how the header of the document is presented (titel, author, contents, list of figures and listings)
  • include captions and references
  • specify properties to include in the pdf file (options starting with pdf)
  • insert whatever latex statements in preamble or body to include additional latex functionality

For converting the tex-file to a pdf-file I use TeXworks (a component of MiKTeX).


Functionality for inserting latex statements in preamble or body (May 2016)


See publish_mpl_examples in the example folder for examples of use.


As usual the options for publish are specified in a structure. Additional options of publish are used to make changes to a base xsl file (publish_mpl.xsl). The standard publish function is then called with the modified xsl file.

References and captions to plots are supported.
A plot of a script xxx will get a label xxx-0n.eps if it is the n-th plot. In a latex block you can then refer to the second plot with e.g. figure \ref{xxx_02.eps} on page \pageref{xxx_02.eps} .
A plot will get as caption captionX with X = 'A' for the first, 'B' for the second plot and so on. The caption for the second plot can be set in such a latex block (before the plot is actually done) by e.g. \global\def\captionB{my caption for the second plot}.

Also available are the options first_preamblex, last_preamblex, first_bodyx and last_bodyx (with x a sequence number 1,2, ... that indicate latex statements that are to inserted as first or last lines of the preamble or the fixed body part of the latex source. The sequence numbers must be consecutive: if the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are present and number 4 is missing the code will stop after handling number 3. See exampleC for an application of this.

Additional options:

option description
newname for all formats, to rename the resulting file
documentclass only for latex, default 'article'
paper only for latex, default 'a4paper'
sizes only for latex, default 'margin=1in'
graph_width only for latex, default '4in'
orientation only for latex, default 'landscape'
prettifier_options only for latex, default 'framed,numbered'
listing_options only for latex, default 'frame=single,numbers=left,basicstyle=\small\ttfamily'
style only for latex, default 'Matlab-editor'
pdftitle only for latex, default ''
pdfauthor only for latex, default ''
pdfsubject only for latex, default ''
pdfkeywords only for latex, default ''
pdfproducer only for latex, default ''
pdfcreator only for latex, default ''
title only for latex, default ''
author only for latex, default ''
maketitle only for latex, default false
maketableofcontents only for latex, default false
makelistoflistings only for latex, default false
makelistoffigures only for latex, default false
first_preamblex only for latex, no default
last_preamblex only for latex, no default
first_bodyx only for latex, no default
last_bodyx only for latex, no default


This code builds heavily on mxdom2latex.xsl by Ned Gulley and Matthew Simoneau, September 2003 ( Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. ). The fine MATLAB layout it produces is made possible by the LaTeX package matlab-prettifier created by Julien Cretel.


The applications contains

  • publish_mpl.m (main function)
  • publish_mpl.xsl (stylesheet)
  • package matlab-prettifier (matlab-prettifier.sty will suffice)
  • publish_mpl_examples.m, exampleA.m, exampleB.m and exampleC.m (example files) and their outputs in the html subfolder

Future developments

No future developments are planned. However you could check [this repository] ( to see if something new has come up.


This software is distributed under the MIT License (MIT): see copyright.txt


extension of MATLAB publishing in latex






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