pointpillar mmdeteion3d model Tensorrt deployment, improved and faster
This repository contains sources and model for PointPillars inference using TensorRT. The model is created with mmdetection3d.
Overall inference has five phases:
- Convert points cloud into 4-channle voxels
- Extend 4-channel voxels to 10-channel voxel features
- Run pfe TensorRT engine to get 64-channel voxel features
- Run rpn backbone TensorRT engine to get 3D-detection raw data
- Parse bounding box, class type and direction
The demo use the waymo data from Waymo Open Dataset. The onnx file can be converted by onnx_tools If you want use my onnx transform code,you need to git clone mmdetection3d v1.0.0rc0(https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/tree/v1.0.0rc0).
To build the pointpillars inference, TensorRT and CUDA are needed.
- NVIDIA RTX 3060 && RTX 3070ti
- in TensorRT 8.2.3 && TensorRT 8.6 && TensorRT 7.2.1
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make
$ cd ..
$ ./ApolloPP
You should install open3d
in python environment.
$ cp -r ./Pointpillar_tensorrt/data/waymo_pcd ./Pointpillar_tensorrt/tools/pcd_bbox_display/waymo_pcd
$ cp -r ./Pointpillar_tensorrt/data/bbox ./Pointpillar_tensorrt/tools/pcd_bbox_display/bbox
$ cd tools/pcd_bbox_display
$ python read_apollo.py
trt fp16 | pytorch |
| Function(unit:ms) | NVIDIA RTX 3070ti Laptop GPU |
| ----------------- | --------------------------- |
| Preprocess | 0.611175 ms |
| AnchorMask | 0.30804 ms |
| Pfe | 5.21747 ms |
| Scatter | 0.089236 ms |
| Backbone | 8.74011 ms |
| Postprocess | 0.324388 ms |
| Summary | 15.2936 ms |
- The waymo pretrained model in this project is trained only using 4-channel (x, y, z, i), which is different from the mmdetection3d pretrained_model.
- The demo will cache the onnx file to improve performance. If a new onnx will be used, please remove the cache file in "./model".
- The improvement point of this article is to perform the anchor operation as post-processing, and only export the backbone to the convolution output as an onnx model.
- Deployment environment: docker run --gpus all -it --name env_pyt_1.12 -v $(pwd):/app nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.03-py3 opencv install:apt install libopencv-dev yaml install:apt-get update&& apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev