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NNs and Deep Learning

This repo contains a portfolio of experiments and notes on NNs and DL. The aim is twofold:

  • use visualisations to understand the latent space when a NN is training
  • keep up to date with NN programming practices

Visualising the Latent Space of a beta-VAE

The KL loss in a VAE encourages the encoder to map inputs to latents that are close to the prior distribution $\mathcal{N}(0, I)$. We can visualise this distribution for each class in the MNIST dataset by approximating it as a Mixture of Gaussians.

Standard VAE (β = 1)

Standard VAE

The class distributions converge to very different distributions. Digit 0 has a larger spread.

β = 10

Image 2

The distribution shapes are more similar, but they still try to converge to different locations.

Both VAEs have the same architecture with a 2D latent space, and were trained for a single epoch. In both cases, the model learns to try and separate the the location of the class distributions, however there is significant overlap between the numbers 4 and 9, which is to be expected. The shapes of the distributions are very similar in the beta VAE, which is due the stronger KL loss.

Separable Latent Space in Classification

In classification tasks, a NN learns weights so that it is able to create simple decision boundaries to separate classes in the latent space.

weight masks

Visualising hidden layer with 3 nodes - each has its own axis (NN layers: {784,10,3,10}). As epoch increases, the learnt weights push each digit class to a corner. Unsurprisingly, digits 4 and 9 have significant overlap! See this folder for implementation.

Linear Transformation as a Mask in Classification

When there is no non-linearity in the NN, the weights are equivalent to a single linear transformation. In the case of classification, intuitively, we are applying a mask on the input.

weight masks

Weights learnt for each digit in a NN with no hidden layer. This is equivalent to applying a mask / linear transformation. See this notebook for implementation.

experiments/  - NN PyTorch class, training experiments
notes/        - markdown notes for experiments and theory
resources/    - store dataset, model and figures


The notes/ folder contains markdown notes on the relevant NN theory required for the experiments. It also contains notes and exercises from the book Neural Networks and Deep Learning.

For each chapter, I have written some notes and answers to most exercises / problems:

This is a WIP; I have yet to do the later chapters. I also aim to cover the following topics:

  • Notes on Activation Functions
    • Swish, softplus (for VAE to predict variance)
  • Regularisation: L1, L2, Dropout, Continual Backprop
  • Grid search over batch-size, lr using hydra

Framework for Experiments

This documents the best practices I have learnt for programming NNs.

Pytorch training loop

def train_loop(self, ...):
  for epoch in range(epochs):
    for batch in dataloader:
      # 1. Move data to device
      batch = 
      # 2. Zero gradients
      # 3. Forward pass
      output = self.model(batch)
      # 4. Compute loss
      loss = self.loss_function(output, batch)
      # 5. Backward pass
      # 6. Update weights

omegaconf + dataclass

configuring NNs and storing (hyper)parameters

class ModelConfig:
  # model parameters
  hidden_dim: int = 128
  # training parameters
  lr: float = 1e-3
  batch_size: int = 32

  def save_config(self, path: Path):, path)

  def load_config(path: Path) -> "ModelConfig":
    conf = OmegaConf.load(path)
    return ModelConfig(**conf)


for logging: see

A list of potential avenues to explore:

  • pytorch-lightning
  • hydra
  • fire


Start on NNs and deep learning






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