I had more time working on Guake recently, so I fixed some long term issues, and exposed some
internal settings into the preference window.
Thanks for the external contribution: @varemenos, @Seraff and others!
Here is the complete changelog for this release:
- Reorganised palette definition, add a demo terminal in preference panel (#504, #273, #220)
- Plenty of other new color palettes (thanks again @varemenos ! #504)
- don't propagate COLORTERM environment variable in terminal (#488)
- Force $TERM environment variable to 'xterm-256color' in terminals (#341)
- Fix issue with the quit confirmation dialog box (#499)
- Add shortcut for transparency level (#481)
- Add label to tell user how to disable a shortcut (#488)
- Expose cursor_shape and blink cursor method in pref window (#505)
- Expose Guake startup script to the pref window (#198)
- Some window management bug fixes (#506, #445)
- Fix "Not focused on openning if tab was moved" (#441)
- Add contextual menu item 'Open Link' on right click on a link (5476653)
- Fix compatibility with Ubuntu 15.04 (#509)
- Fix Guake Turns Gray sometimes (#473, #512)