Indexes occurances of biological scientific names in the world, normalizes and reconsiles lexical and taxonomic variants of the name strings.
- Install Ruby (see version in .ruby-version)
- Install bundle gem
- Install Java JDK 6-8
- Install Redis
bundle install
rake db:drop:all
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:seed
rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test
rake solr:start ( or rake solr:run in a separate terminal window)
rake solr:build
Also see .travis.yml org as an example
Use rake "db:seed RAILS_ENV=your_env" to populate tables in development, test and production environments. Different environments differ in how and which tables are populated. To add more data for testing/development purposes use
rake db:addnames
the command reads data from spec/files/addnames.csv to add more records to the system.
RAILS_ENV=production RAKE_ENV=production QUEUE=name_resolver rake resque:work
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
from the machine with solr go to gni dir and run
rake db:solr:build RAILS_ENV=production
Authors: Dmitry Mozzherin, David Shorthouse
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Marine Biological Laboratory. See LICENSE.txt for further details.