KeyRock Identity Manager client for Django
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Install it:
pip install django-keyrock
Add 'keyrock' to your INSTALLED_APPS:
INSTALLED_APPS += ('keyrock',)
Add the context processor to your Django settings:
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS += ( 'keyrock.context_processors.keyrock_url', )
Add KEYROCK_URL to your Django settings:
KEYROCK_URL = 'your_domain' # Example: KEYROCK_URL = ''
Add the urls to
urlpatterns += patterns( '', url(r'keyrock/', include('keyrock.urls')), )
The url to sign up:
<a href="{{ KEYROCK_URL }}/sign_up/"> Sign Up </a>
You can add a link to reset password:
<a href="{{ KEYROCK_URL }}/password/request/"> Forgot your password/email? </a>
KEYROCK_APP_CLIENT_ID Application ID in Keyrock. When you create your application in Keyrock it will generate a pair of keys for it, this is the generated id.
KEYROCK_APP_CLIENT_SECRET Application Secret in Keyrock. When you create your application in Keyrock it will generate a pair of keys for it, this is the generated secret.
KEYROCK_REDIRECT_URL URL to redirect to when the login/signup process is completed. It must be a URL without parameters. Typically your homepage URL.
KEYROCK_URL KeyRock instance URL, including protocol. Example:
This software is licensed under a BSD 3-clause. You can find a copy of the license in this repository.
Copyright (c) 2016, Glamping Hub [email protected]