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Intercom CLI

Command Line Interface for managing intercom data

Getting Started


Node, NPM, grunt, grunt-cli


Copy template.yml to desired environment names eg: prod.yml and fill in tokens.


Run $ npm install

How to use

Run node ./intercom-cli.js CMD --env ENVIRONMENT

Where CMD is the command you're trying to execute and ENVIRONMENT corresponds to the yml file in the config folder.



To filter a csv using a different csv run

$ node ./intercom-cli.js csv filter <fileIn> <fileFilter> <fileOut> <key> [dir]

where fileIn is the file we want to filter, fileFilter is the file we use for filter and key is the the column we want to use for filtering. The result is written to fileOut.


To download all users to <file> in dir directory, run:

$ node ./intercom-cli.js user fetch <file> [dir] --env ENVIRONMENT

Where <file> is relative file path in dir directory, where dir defaults to the out directory.


To update all companies in <file> in dir directory, run:

$ node ./intercom-cli.js companies update <file> [dir] --env ENVIRONMENT

Where <file> is relative file path in dir directory, where dir defaults to the out directory.

Sync Interest Tags to users

Need input csv out/users.csv with columns user_id, interests where user_id contains the user ids and interests contains the relevant, comma separated (no spaces) interests for that user.

Then call

$ node ./intercom-cli.js user sync-interests users.csv --env ENVIRONMENT

This will remove old interests from user, prefixed with Interest: , and add the interests provided, again prefixed with Interest: .

De-Duplicate Users

An issue with intercom is that by using third party software, it's possible to get into a state where users can have the same Intercom ID, with one instance without a User Id and the other with. Remove these duplicate users by extracting duplicates with user_id, deleting extracted users, and updating remaining users with deleted data. Then update the remaining user with the deleted users information.

To remove duplicate users, first download all users by exporting straight from intercom into out/users.csv. Unfortunately user fetch will not fetch duplicate users.

IMPORTANT: Change the csv header "User ID" to "user_id".

To extract the duplicate users to out/duplicates.csv, run:

$ node ./intercom-cli.js user extract-duplicates users.csv duplicates.csv

Then to remove duplicate users that have a user_id from Intercom run:

$ node ./intercom-cli.js user delete duplicates.csv user_id --env ENVIRONMENT

Once the users are deleted, update the remaining users to ensure the data is persisted.

$ node ./intercom-cli.js user update duplicates.csv --env ENVIRONMENT

Running the tests

To run the tests, run:

$ npm test

Or to run the tests in debug mode:

$ npm test -- --debug


We use SemVer for versioning.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Intercom SDK abstraction layer







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