A MEAN -stack project with CRUD capabilities
-Node.js & npm
My MongoDB is located in C:\
(e.g. C:\mongo\bin\mongo.exe)
My MongoDB's data goes into C:\data\db
-Open the windows cmd prompt and go to the location of MongoDB in the "bin" -folder and type "mongod".
-Open a new cmd prompt and go into the "bin" -folder. This time type "mongo". It should give you a ">" -symbol, allowing you to type MongoDB -commands.
-Create a database named myProperty like this: >use myProperty
-Create a collection named myThings like this: >db.createCollection("myThings")
-Now open your 3rd cmd prompt and navigate into the "Angular_projekti" -folder and install the dependencies in listed in the "package.json" -file. (body-parser, mongojs and express)
(e.g. npm install express --save)
In "Angular_projekti" -folder use the command "node server", to run the "server.js" -file. The app should be running in port 3000 so open a web-browser (used in FireFox and Chrome) and type localhost:3000 in the address bar.