Based off my second-hand online shop Motorcesionario, this Android app let's you interact with the shop and users. This was my year's final project.
- Access to a list of products.
- Order management (creation, chat with admin and order progress).
- Global chat (Boxes).
- Account creation and editing.
- Admin panel with global chat, catalogue management, order management and user management.
- Currency switch (euro, American dollar, Japanese yen, Russian ruble and the pound sterling).
- Dark theme.
- Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 (See archives).
- Android SDK API 28.
- A Firebase google-services.json in app/ with access to Realtime Database and Storage.
- A Realtime Database with 5 subnodes: "boxes", "chat_pedidos", "pedidos", "productos" and "usuarios".
- A storage directory called "fotos" with 2 subdirectories: "productos" and "usuarios".
- Recommended: A Nexus 5 phone or similar 1080x1920 xxhdpi screen.
- Recommended: Give camera permissions to Motorcesionario in Settings.