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A backend providing a HTTP REST like interface for uploading files written in rust.
This project is licensed under the Mit License
- Rest api
- Chunked uploading
- Embeds
You have created your own client/library for kekupload-server? Great! Just submit an client request in the issues tab of github or write us an email at [email protected].
Get a prebuilt image here
or build it yourself:
docker build -t uploadserver:latest
sudo docker run -ti ghcr.io/kotwoss/uploadserver:main
sudo docker run -ti uploadserver:latest
- Rust Nightly
You need rustup to run this.
rustup default nightly
Copy default.env to .env and change the settings in .env.
cargo build --release
The executable will be located at target/release/uploadserver
If you are developing and don't want to rebuild and run the client to release mode use
cargo run
- Image compression
If you have aditional ideas how to make this tool better please create a feature request in the issues tab.
More information here.