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Refactor the What4 theorems module to unify and simplify the
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handling of relative vs absolute indexing for stream values.
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robdockins committed Sep 23, 2021
1 parent 03e0b20 commit 7079107
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 158 deletions.
269 changes: 111 additions & 158 deletions copilot-theorem/src/Copilot/Theorem/What4.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.List (elemIndex, genericLength, genericIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,19 +150,19 @@ prove solver spec = do
-- Define TransM action for proving properties. Doing this in TransM rather
-- than IO allows us to reuse the state for each property.
let proveProperties = forM (CS.specProperties spec) $ \pr -> do
let bufLen (CS.Stream _ buf _ _) = length buf
let bufLen (CS.Stream _ buf _ _) = genericLength buf
maxBufLen = maximum (0 : (bufLen <$> CS.specStreams spec))
prefix <- forM [0 .. maxBufLen - 1] $ \k -> do
XBool p <- translateExprAt sym k (CS.propertyExpr pr)
XBool p <- translateExpr sym (CS.propertyExpr pr) (AbsoluteOffset k)
return p

-- translate the induction hypothesis for all values up to maxBufLen in the past
ind_hyps <- forM [1 .. maxBufLen] $ \k -> do
XBool hyp <- translateExpr sym (negate k) (CS.propertyExpr pr)
ind_hyps <- forM [0 .. maxBufLen-1] $ \k -> do
XBool hyp <- translateExpr sym (CS.propertyExpr pr) (RelativeOffset k)
return hyp

-- translate the predicate for the "current" value
XBool p <- translateExpr sym 0 (CS.propertyExpr pr)
XBool p <- translateExpr sym (CS.propertyExpr pr) (RelativeOffset maxBufLen)

-- compute the predicate (ind_hyps ==> p)
p' <- liftIO $ foldrM (WI.impliesPred sym) p ind_hyps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ computePrestate ::
computePrestate sym spec =
do xs <- forM (CS.specStreams spec) $
\CS.Stream{ CS.streamId = nm, CS.streamExprType = tp, CS.streamBuffer = buf } ->
do let buflen = length buf
let idxes = reverse $ map negate $ [ 1 .. buflen ]
vs <- mapM (getStreamConstant sym nm) idxes
do let buflen = genericLength buf
let idxes = RelativeOffset <$> [ 0 .. buflen-1 ]
vs <- mapM (getStreamValue sym nm) idxes
return (nm, Some tp, vs)
return (BisimulationProofState xs)

Expand All @@ -258,12 +258,11 @@ computePoststate ::
TransM t (BisimulationProofState t)
computePoststate sym spec =
do xs <- forM (CS.specStreams spec) $
\CS.Stream{ CS.streamId = nm, CS.streamExprType = tp, CS.streamBuffer = buf, CS.streamExpr = ex } ->
do let buflen = length buf
let idxes = reverse $ map negate $ [ 1 .. buflen-1 ]
vs <- mapM (getStreamConstant sym nm) idxes
v0 <- translateExpr sym 0 ex
return (nm, Some tp, vs ++ [v0])
\CS.Stream{ CS.streamId = nm, CS.streamExprType = tp, CS.streamBuffer = buf } ->
do let buflen = genericLength buf
let idxes = RelativeOffset <$> [ 1 .. buflen ]
vs <- mapM (getStreamValue sym nm) idxes
return (nm, Some tp, vs)
return (BisimulationProofState xs)

computeTriggerState ::
Expand All @@ -272,12 +271,12 @@ computeTriggerState ::
TransM t [(CE.Name, WB.BoolExpr t, [(Some CT.Type, XExpr t)])]
computeTriggerState sym spec = forM (CS.specTriggers spec) $
\CS.Trigger{ CS.triggerName = nm, CS.triggerGuard = guard, CS.triggerArgs = args } ->
do XBool guard' <- translateExpr sym 0 guard
do XBool guard' <- translateExpr sym guard (RelativeOffset 0)
args' <- mapM computeArg args
return (nm, guard', args')
computeArg CE.UExpr{ CE.uExprType = tp, CE.uExprExpr = ex } =
do v <- translateExpr sym 0 ex
do v <- translateExpr sym ex (RelativeOffset 0)
return (Some tp, v)

computeExternalInputs ::
Expand All @@ -286,12 +285,21 @@ computeExternalInputs ::
computeExternalInputs sym =
do exts <- Map.toList <$> gets mentionedExternals
forM exts $ \(nm, Some tp) ->
do v <- getExternConstant sym tp nm 0
do v <- getExternConstant sym tp nm (RelativeOffset 0)
return (nm, Some tp, v)

-- What4 translation

data StreamOffset
= AbsoluteOffset !Integer
| RelativeOffset !Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

addOffset :: StreamOffset -> CE.DropIdx -> StreamOffset
addOffset (AbsoluteOffset i) j = AbsoluteOffset (i + toInteger j)
addOffset (RelativeOffset i) j = RelativeOffset (i + toInteger j)

-- | the state for translating Copilot expressions into What4 expressions. As we
-- translate, we generate fresh symbolic constants for external variables and
-- for stream variables. We need to only generate one constant per variable, so
Expand All @@ -308,21 +316,11 @@ computeExternalInputs sym =
data TransState t = TransState {
-- | Map keeping track of all external variables encountered during translation.
mentionedExternals :: Map.Map CE.Name (Some CT.Type),
-- | Map of all external variables we encounter during translation. These are
-- just fresh constants. The offset indicates how many timesteps in the past
-- this constant represents for that stream.
externVars :: Map.Map (CE.Name, Int) (XExpr t),
-- | Map of external variables at specific indices (positive), rather than
-- offset into the past. This is for interpreting streams at specific offsets.
externVarsAt :: Map.Map (CE.Name, Int) (XExpr t),
-- | Map from (stream id, negative offset) to fresh constant. These are all
-- constants representing the values of a stream at some point in the past.
-- The offset (ALWAYS NEGATIVE) indicates how many timesteps in the past
-- this constant represents for that stream.
streamConstants :: Map.Map (CE.Id, Int) (XExpr t),
-- | Map from stream ids to the streams themselves. This value is never
-- modified, but I didn't want to make this an RWS, so it's represented as a
-- stateful value.

externVars :: Map.Map (CE.Name, StreamOffset) (XExpr t),

streamValues :: Map.Map (CE.Id, StreamOffset) (XExpr t),

streams :: Map.Map CE.Id CS.Stream,
-- | Binary power operator, represented as an uninterpreted function.
pow :: WB.ExprSymFn t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,7 +365,14 @@ runTransM sym spec m =
(\stream -> (CS.streamId stream, stream)) <$> CS.specStreams spec
pow <- WI.freshTotalUninterpFn sym (WI.safeSymbol "pow") knownRepr knownRepr
logb <- WI.freshTotalUninterpFn sym (WI.safeSymbol "logb") knownRepr knownRepr
let st = TransState Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty streamMap pow logb
let st = TransState
{ mentionedExternals = mempty
, externVars = mempty
, streamValues = mempty
, streams = streamMap
, pow = pow
, logb = logb

(res, _) <- runStateT (unTransM m) st
return res
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,142 +529,90 @@ freshCPConstant sym nm tp = case tp of
elts <- forM (CT.toValues stp) $ \(CT.Value ftp _) -> freshCPConstant sym "" ftp
return $ XStruct elts

-- | Get the constant for a given stream id and some offset into the past. This
-- should only be called with a strictly negative offset. When this function
-- gets called for the first time for a given (streamId, offset) pair, it
-- generates a fresh constant and stores it in an internal map. Thereafter, this
-- function will just return that constant when called with the same pair.
getStreamConstant :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs -> CE.Id -> Int -> TransM t (XExpr t)
getStreamConstant sym streamId offset = do
scs <- gets streamConstants
case Map.lookup (streamId, offset) scs of
Just xe -> return xe
Nothing -> do
CS.Stream _ _ _ tp <- getStreamDef streamId
let nm = show streamId ++ "_" ++ show offset
xe <- liftIO $ freshCPConstant sym nm tp
modify (\st -> st { streamConstants = Map.insert (streamId, offset) xe scs })
return xe

-- | Get the constant for a given external variable and some offset into the
-- past. This should only be called with a strictly negative offset. When this
-- function gets called for the first time for a given (var, offset) pair, it
-- generates a fresh constant and stores it in an internal map. Thereafter, this
-- function will just return that constant when called with the same pair.
getExternConstant :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs
-> CT.Type a
-> CE.Name
-> Int
-> TransM t (XExpr t)
getExternConstant sym tp var offset = do
es <- gets externVars
case Map.lookup (var, offset) es of
Just xe -> return xe
Nothing -> do
xe <- liftIO $ freshCPConstant sym var tp
modify (\st -> st { externVars = Map.insert (var, offset) xe es
, mentionedExternals = Map.insert var (Some tp) (mentionedExternals st)
} )
return xe

-- | Get the constant for a given external variable at some specific timestep.
getExternConstantAt :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs
-> CT.Type a
-> CE.Name
-> Int
-> TransM t (XExpr t)
getExternConstantAt sym tp var ix = do
es <- gets externVarsAt
case Map.lookup (var, ix) es of
Just xe -> return xe
Nothing -> do
xe <- liftIO $ freshCPConstant sym var tp
modify (\st -> st { externVarsAt = Map.insert (var, ix) xe es
, mentionedExternals = Map.insert var (Some tp) (mentionedExternals st)
} )
return xe

-- | Retrieve a stream definition given its id.
getStreamDef :: CE.Id -> TransM t CS.Stream
getStreamDef streamId = fromJust <$> gets (Map.lookup streamId . streams)
getStreamValue :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs -> CE.Id -> StreamOffset -> TransM t (XExpr t)
getStreamValue sym streamId offset =
do svs <- gets streamValues
case Map.lookup (streamId, offset) svs of
Just xe -> return xe
Nothing ->
do streamDef <- getStreamDef streamId
xe <- computeStreamValue sym streamDef offset
modify (\st -> st{ streamValues = Map.insert (streamId, offset) xe (streamValues st) })
return xe

computeStreamValue ::
WB.ExprBuilder t st fs -> CS.Stream -> StreamOffset -> TransM t (XExpr t)
{ CS.streamId = id, CS.streamBuffer = buf, CS.streamExpr = ex, CS.streamExprType = tp }
offset =
case offset of
AbsoluteOffset i
| i < 0 -> fail ("Invalid absolute offset " ++ show i ++ " for stream " ++ show id)
| i < len -> liftIO (translateConstExpr sym tp (genericIndex buf i))
| otherwise -> translateExpr sym ex (AbsoluteOffset (i - len))
RelativeOffset i
| i < 0 -> fail ("Invalid relative offset " ++ show i ++ " for stream " ++ show id)
| i < len -> let nm = "s" ++ show id ++ "_r" ++ show i
in liftIO (freshCPConstant sym nm tp)
| otherwise -> translateExpr sym ex (RelativeOffset (i - len))

-- | Translate an expression into a what4 representation. The int offset keeps
-- track of how many timesteps into the past each variable is referring to.
-- Initially the value should be zero, but when we translate a stream, the
-- offset is recomputed based on the length of that stream's prefix (subtracted)
-- and the drop index (added).
translateExpr :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs
-> Int
-- ^ number of timesteps in the past we are currently looking
-- (must always be <= 0)
-> CE.Expr a
-> TransM t (XExpr t)
translateExpr sym offset e = case e of
CE.Const tp a -> liftIO $ translateConstExpr sym tp a
CE.Drop _tp ix streamId ->
do CS.Stream _ buf e _ <- getStreamDef streamId
let newidx = offset + fromIntegral ix - length buf
if newidx < 0 then
-- If we are referencing a past value of this stream, just return an
-- unconstrained constant.
getStreamConstant sym streamId newidx
-- If we are referencing a current or future value of this stream, we need
-- to translate the stream's expression, using an offset computed based on
-- the current offset (negative or 0), the drop index (positive or 0), and
-- the length of the stream's buffer (subtracted).
translateExpr sym newidx e
len = genericLength buf

CE.Local _ _ _ _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Local unimplemented"
CE.Var _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Var unimplemented"
translateExpr :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs -> CE.Expr a -> StreamOffset -> TransM t (XExpr t)
translateExpr sym e offset = case e of
CE.Const tp a -> liftIO $ translateConstExpr sym tp a
CE.Drop _tp ix streamId -> getStreamValue sym streamId (addOffset offset ix)
CE.ExternVar tp nm _prefix -> getExternConstant sym tp nm offset
CE.Op1 op e -> liftIO . translateOp1 sym op =<< translateExpr sym offset e
CE.Op1 op e -> liftIO . translateOp1 sym op =<< translateExpr sym e offset
CE.Op2 op e1 e2 -> do
xe1 <- translateExpr sym offset e1
xe2 <- translateExpr sym offset e2
xe1 <- translateExpr sym e1 offset
xe2 <- translateExpr sym e2 offset
powFn <- gets pow
logbFn <- gets logb
liftIO $ translateOp2 sym powFn logbFn op xe1 xe2
CE.Op3 op e1 e2 e3 -> do
xe1 <- translateExpr sym offset e1
xe2 <- translateExpr sym offset e2
xe3 <- translateExpr sym offset e3
xe1 <- translateExpr sym e1 offset
xe2 <- translateExpr sym e2 offset
xe3 <- translateExpr sym e3 offset
liftIO $ translateOp3 sym op xe1 xe2 xe3
CE.Label _ _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Label unimplemented"
CE.Local _ _ _ _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Local unimplemented"
CE.Var _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Var unimplemented"

getExternConstant ::
WB.ExprBuilder t st fs -> CT.Type a -> CE.Name -> StreamOffset -> TransM t (XExpr t)
getExternConstant sym tp nm offset =
do es <- gets externVars
case Map.lookup (nm, offset) es of
Just xe -> return xe
Nothing -> do
xe <- computeExternConstant sym tp nm offset
modify (\st -> st { externVars = Map.insert (nm, offset) xe (externVars st)
, mentionedExternals = Map.insert nm (Some tp) (mentionedExternals st)
} )
return xe

computeExternConstant ::
WB.ExprBuilder t st fs -> CT.Type a -> CE.Name -> StreamOffset -> TransM t (XExpr t)
computeExternConstant sym tp nm offset =
case offset of
AbsoluteOffset i
| i < 0 -> fail ("Invalid absolute offset " ++ show i ++ " for external stream " ++ nm)
| otherwise -> let nm' = nm ++ "_a" ++ show i
in liftIO (freshCPConstant sym nm' tp)
RelativeOffset i
| i < 0 -> fail ("Invalid relative offset " ++ show i ++ " for external stream " ++ nm)
| otherwise -> let nm' = nm ++ "_r" ++ show i
in liftIO (freshCPConstant sym nm' tp)

-- | Retrieve a stream definition given its id.
getStreamDef :: CE.Id -> TransM t CS.Stream
getStreamDef streamId = fromJust <$> gets (Map.lookup streamId . streams)

-- | Translate an expression into a what4 representation at a /specific/
-- timestep, rather than "at some indeterminate point in the future."
translateExprAt :: WB.ExprBuilder t st fs
-> Int
-- ^ Index of timestep
-> CE.Expr a
-- ^ stream expression
-> TransM t (XExpr t)
translateExprAt sym k e = do
case e of
CE.Const tp a -> liftIO $ translateConstExpr sym tp a
CE.Drop _tp ix streamId -> do
CS.Stream _ buf e tp <- getStreamDef streamId
if k' < length buf
then liftIO $ translateConstExpr sym tp (buf !! k')
else translateExprAt sym (k' - length buf) e
where k' = k + fromIntegral ix
CE.Local _ _ _ _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Local unimplemented"
CE.Var _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Var unimplemented"
CE.ExternVar tp nm _prefix -> getExternConstantAt sym tp nm k
CE.Op1 op e -> liftIO . translateOp1 sym op =<< translateExprAt sym k e
CE.Op2 op e1 e2 -> do
xe1 <- translateExprAt sym k e1
xe2 <- translateExprAt sym k e2
powFn <- gets pow
logbFn <- gets logb
liftIO $ translateOp2 sym powFn logbFn op xe1 xe2
CE.Op3 op e1 e2 e3 -> do
xe1 <- translateExprAt sym k e1
xe2 <- translateExprAt sym k e2
xe3 <- translateExprAt sym k e3
liftIO $ translateOp3 sym op xe1 xe2 xe3
CE.Label _ _ _ -> error "translateExpr: Label unimplemented"

type BVOp1 w t = (KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => WB.BVExpr t w -> IO (WB.BVExpr t w)

Expand Down

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