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Dev portal gui

EzR1d3r edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

Dev portal documentation

  1. User stats tab
  • Adding a stat
  • Editing a stat in the table
  • Editing a stat in the code editor
  • Deleting a stat
  • Downloading the config file
  • Uploading the config file
  1. Unlock tab
  • Adding an unlock
  • Editing an unlock in the table
  • Editing an unlock in the code editor
  • Deleting an unlock
  • Downloading the config file
  • Uploading the config file
  1. Leaderboard tab
  2. Configs tab

User stats tab

To add a stat, go to the user stats tab and click Add Stat.

1. Adding a stat


In the modal window that pops up, enter a unique name for the stat and click Save.



The stat will show up in the table once it saves.


If you already have a stat with that name, it won't save. You'll get a server error telling you what happened.


2. Editing a stat in the table

You can edit stats in the table or the code editor. The table has the basic set of fields, with name and type required. Checkboxes are used to edit Boolean types (true/false value); the minValue, maxValue, window, and defValue fields are for editing number data; the name field is for editing string data; and the type field has a combo box that lets you select a data type (INT by default).

To edit string or number values, click the cell, and the input field appears. Enter the valid value in the field. Click Enter to save the changes.

3. Editing a stat in the code editor

You can edit a stat in the code editor's substring. Click the arrow in the action field to pull up the editor.


In the editor, you can add additional fields the table doesn't come with by default. Data is entered in the JSON format.
More details about the stats format see here.

When you're editing attributes, the SAVE CHANGES button activates. Click SAVE CHANGES when you're done editing.


When you save your changes, the table data updates dynamically.

The code editor highlights syntax, entry errors, and tabulation.

4. Deleting a stat

To delete a stat, click the delete button in the Remove field and confirm the deletion. If the stat deletes successfully, the table dynamically updates, and the stat field disappears.


If you clicked the delete button accidentally, click NO in the pop-up.


5. Downloading the config file

The service lets you download the config file to your computer so you can make changes in your local code editor. Just click Download Config. If the file downloads successfully, you'll get a notification, and the JSON file will be in your downloads.



6. Uploading the config file

The service lets you upload the config file from your computer. Just click UPLOAD CONFIG and select the JSON file in the window that pops up. To confirm your upload, click Open in this window.


If the config file is valid and uploaded successfully, you will see a notification.


If the file is invalid, you will get a server error message.


Unlock tab

To add an unlock, go to the unlock tab and click Add Unlock.

1. Adding an unlock


In the modal window that pops up, enter a unique name for the unlock and click Save.


The unlock will show up in the table once it saves.


If you entered an incorrect name for the unlock (there's already one with that name, for instance), it won't save. You'll get a server error telling you what happened.


2. Editing an unlock in the table

You can edit unlocks in the table or the code editor. The table has the basic set of fields, with name and type required. Checkboxes are used to edit Boolean types (true/false value), the name field is for editing string data, and the type field has a combo box that lets you select a data type (NORMAL by default).

Check or uncheck the hidden and showForAll fields to edit Boolean values.


To edit string values, click the cell, and the input field appears. Enter the valid value in the field. Click Enter to save the changes.


3. Editing an unlock in the code editor

You can edit an unlock in the code editor's substring. Click the arrow in the action field to pull up the editor.


In the editor, you can add additional fields the table doesn't come with by default. Data is entered in the JSON format.
More details about the unlock format see here.

While you're editing attributes, the SAVE CHANGES button activates. Click SAVE CHANGES when you're done editing.


When you save your changes, the table data updates dynamically.

The code editor highlights syntax, entry errors, and tabulation. Fields with empty values are not shown in the editor.

4. Deleting an unlock

To delete an unlock, click the button in the Remove field and confirm the deletion. If the unlock deletes successfully, the table dynamically updates, and the unlock field disappears.


If you clicked the delete button accidentally, click NO in the pop-up.


5. Downloading the config file

The service lets you download the config file to your computer so you can make changes in your local code editor. Just click Download Config. If the file downloads successfully, you'll get a notification, and the JSON file will be in your downloads.



6. Uploading the config file

The service lets you upload the config file from your computer. Just click UPLOAD CONFIG and select the JSON file in the window that pops up. To confirm your upload, click Open in this window.


If the config file is valid and uploaded successfully, you will see a notification. If the file is invalid, you will get a server error message.


Leaderboard tab

The leaderboard tab gives you a read-only table view of the attributes in the table heading. To sort leaderboards, click a heading. Leaderboards can be sorted by any field except idx and nick (they are sorted by the apples field by default).


Configs tab

To update service configs, go to the configs tab and click Update Config. If the update fails, you will get a server error message.


If the config is updated successfully, you'll see a notification to that effect.