This is a copy of vector from the standard template library (STL). It works the same way, but it has some more methods that I find useful and interesting. This project is open-source so you can use it in your works, IDK why you need it, but here you can add your custom methods. This vector is still supported so I will add more and more methods for comfortable work; This class is compatible with an std::vector and will use std exceptions soon...
- begin() - the same as in std::vector
- end() - the same as in std::vector
- rbegin() - the same as in std::vector
- rend() - the same as in std::vector
- crbegin() - the same as in std::vector
- crend() - the same as in std::vector
- cbegin() - the same as in std::vector
- cend() - the same as in std::vector
- get_capacity - returns the capacity
- get_size() - returns size of the container
- is_empty() - returns true if the container is empty
- reserve(const size_t value) - increases capacity
- push_back(const T& value) - puts the value to in the end of the container
- shrink_to_fit() - makes capacity 0
- pop_back() - erases the last element
- insert(const size_t& index, const T& value) - inserts the element value in the position of index
- clear() - makes the container empty
- assign(const size_t& quantity, const T& value) - assigns the quantity number of elements the value of value
- resize(const size_t& new_size) - changes the size of the container
- at(const size_t& index) - returns the reference to the element under the index
- front() - returns the reference to the first element
- back() - returns the reference to the last element
- data() - returns the raw array
- rdata() - returns the raw arrays end
- Vector(const Vector& v) - constructor
- Vector(const std::vector& v) - compatible constructor
- Vector(const size_t& new_size) - constructor that can assign the size of the container
- Vector(const size_t& new_size, const T& value) - constructor that can assign the size of the container with a value
- Vector() - default constructor
- ~Vector() - destructor
- count(const T& value) - returns the count of the elements that have the special value
- operator = (const Vector& v) - operator =
- operator = (const std::vector& v) - compatible with std::vector operator =
- operator [](const int& index) - operator []
- operator != (const Vector& another) - returns true if the containers are not equal
- operator + (const Vector& another) - if elements can be summarized, they will be. first element of the first Vector with the first element of the second one etc. Returns the new summarized Vector