This C library provides a set of functions to work with singly linked lists of integers. It includes basic operations like insertion, deletion, and traversal, as well as advanced utilities such as insertion sorting the list.
- Add or remove elements at the head, tail, or specific positions.
- Check for element existence and retrieve list properties.
- Reverse the list or reverse subgroups of the list.
- Memory management with proper freeing of resources.
To use this library, include intlist.h
in your project and link with intlist.c
. For example:
#include "intlist.h"
The library defines the following types:
: Represents a single node in the linked list.list_t
: A double pointer to the head node, used to represent the list.
#include "list.h"
int comparator(const int a, const int b) // Advanced usage for insertion sort
return a - b; // Sorts elements in ascending order
int main()
node_t *head = NULL;
list_t list = &head;
// Add elements
list_push(my_list, 10);
list_append(my_list, 20);
list_insert_sorted(my_list, 15, comparator);
// Free resources
return 0;
Get Head:
node_t *head_node = list_head(my_list); // Returns the first element
Get Tail:
node_t *tail_node = list_tail(my_list); // Returns the last element
Get Next Element:
node_t *next_node = list_item_next(my_list, 10); // Returns the element that follows 10
Access by Index:
node_t *node = list_item_index(my_list, 1); if (node) printf("Value at index 1: %d\n", node->value);
Check for Existence:
int exists = list_contains(my_list, 20); // Returns 1 if 20 exists, otherwise 0
Get Length:
size_t len = list_length(my_list); // Returns the number of elements
Push to Head:
list_push(my_list, 10); // Adds 10 to the start of the list
Append to Tail:
list_append(my_list, 20); // Adds 20 to the end of the list
Insert After a Value:
list_insert(my_list, 10, 15); // Inserts 15 after the first occurrence of 10
Insert at Index:
list_insert_index(my_list, 1, 25); // Inserts 25 at index 1
Pop Head:
node_t *removed = list_pop_head(my_list);
Pop Tail:
node_t *removed = list_pop_tail(my_list);
Remove by Value:
list_remove(my_list, 15); // Removes the first occurrence of 15
Remove All Instances of a Value:
list_remove_all(my_list, 10);
Remove by Index:
node_t *removed = list_remove_index(my_list, 2);
Reverse Entire List:
Reverse Groups of Elements:
list_reverse_group(my_list, 3); // Reverses the list in groups of 3
You can insert items in a sorted manner using a custom comparator function, as described in the first example:
list_insert_sorted(my_list, 30, comparator);
Always call list_free
to free the memory of the list when it's no longer needed: