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CodeQL Release Release Date Tag macOs Windows License


French & English user guides can be found under the docs folder.


For Contributors


Related Project

Application & API Projects Setup

# Create new root directory
$/> mkdir MyoRatioApp

# Move inside the new directory
$/> cd MyoRatioApp

# Clone API project
$/> git clone

# Clone application project
$/> git clone

API Initialization

$/> cd MyoRatio-API

# Configure Poetry
$/> poetry config true --local

# Install project dependencies
$/> poetry install

# Install Poetry plugin
$/> poetry self add 'poethepoet[poetry_plugin]'

# Rename environment configuration file (Windows)
> ren .env.example .env

# Rename environment configuration file (macOS)
$ mv .env.example .env

# Generate API secret key
$/> poetry poe secret

Application Initialization

# Move inside application directory
$/> cd ../MyoRatio

# Rename environment configuration files (Windows)
> ren
> ren

# Rename environment configuration files (macOS)
$ mv
$ mv

# Install project dependencies
$/> (npm | yarn | pnpm) install

# Fetch API secret key
$/> (npm | yarn | pnpm) run secret

Run the Application

# serve the API
$/> cd ../MyoRatio-API

$/> poetry run serve [port]


Parameter [port] is optionnal. By default it will be 3300 only if available.

# start the application
$/> cd ../MyoRatio

$/> (npm | yarn | pnpm) run start

Submitting Changes


Your commits should follow the conventional commits specification !

  • For the API, you can use the following command to proceed your commits:
$/> poetry poe commit
  • For the GUI, you can use the following command to proceed your commits:
$/> (npm | yarn | pnpm) run commit

Publish Version

To release a new version you can install the standard-version version package globally such as:

$/> npm install -g standard-version
# or
$/> yarn global add standard-version
# or
$/> pnpm add -g standard-version

# release the API
$/> poetry poe release && poetry poe publish

# release the GUI
$/> npm run release && npm run publish
# or
$/> yarn run release && yarn run publish
# or
$/> pnpm run release && pnpm run publish


Once the publish command is completed, a github action workflow will be triggered and the release will be automatically created in the remote repository populated with the installers for both platforms.

Manually Release Installers

If you want to manually create the release installer, follow these instructions:


For the macOS platform you will need to install the create-dmg package on the application project.

# Move to the application project folder
$ cd ../MyoRatio

# Install the required dependency
$ npm install -D [email protected]
# or
$ (yarn | pnpm) add -D [email protected]


On windows it is required to generate an SSL certificate to sign the installer. You can use WSL to benefit from the availability of the openssl command line tool:

# Create a new base folder to store your certificate files
$ mkdir ./.certs

# Generate a private key
$ openssl genrsa -out ./.certs/key.pem 4096

# Generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
$ openssl req -new -sha256 -key ./.certs/key.pem -out ./.certs/csr.csr -subj "/C=<your_country_code>/ST=<your_state>/L=<your_location>/O=<your_organization>/OU=<your_organization_unit>/CN=<your_common_name>"

# Generate a new certificate (valid 1 year)
$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key ./.certs/key.pem -in ./.certs/csr.csr -out ./.certs/certificate.pem

# Convert your certificate into PFX
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ./.certs/key.pem -in ./.certs/certificate.pem -out ./.certs/certificate.pfx -password pass:<your_cert_passphrase>

# [OPTIONAL] Now using powershell, you can convert your PFX certficate into Base64
> [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('.\certificate.pfx')) > '.\.certs\certificate.txt'


once the PFX certificate is generated Please update the file according to the passphrase provided in the command respectively.

# Move to the API project directory
$/> cd ../MyoRatio-API

# Build the API (Windows)
> poetry poe build-win

# Build the API (macOS)
$ poetry poe build-mac

# Move to the application project directory
$/> cd ../MyoRatio

# Build the application (Windows):
> (npm | yarn | pnpm) run build:win && (npm | yarn | pnpm) run publish:win
# Build the application (macOS):
> (npm | yarn | pnpm) run build:mac && (npm | yarn | pnpm) run publish:mac


The resulting file is located under the folder of your current architecture inside./MyoRatio/release


This project is licensed under the APGL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.