The modified mosquitto broker includes the HICAP interface (HiConnect Capture interface).
It allows to capture all incoming publish messages and their connection metadata, such as SSL client certificate identification.
The collected information is sent over TCP/IP JSON to a remote logstash service.
See also
The destination host/IP and port of the listening logstash service or netcat can be given to the mosquitto commandline:
$ /usr/bin/env HICAP_HOST= HICAP_PORT=5555 /mosquitto/mosquitto -c /mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
A netcat listener can be used instead of logstash for testing purposes:
$ nc -l -p 5555
{"mqtt": {"topic": "topic", "clientIP": "", "port": 1883, "clientID": "mosqpub|5704-t550", "tsUTC": "2018-05-29T09:30:00Z (GMT)", "tsLocal": "2018-05-29T09:30:00+0000 (UTC)", "payload": "bXNn"}}
git clone
cd mosquitto
docker build -t hiconnect:mqtt-hicap .
docker create --name mqtt-bin -i -t -e HICAP_HOST= -e HICAP_PORT=12345 hiconnect:mqtt-hicap
docker start -a -i mqtt-bin
Edit Logstash config file (e.g. /etc/logstash/conf.d/tcp-json.cfg):
input {
tcp {
mode => "server"
host => "" # address to listen on
port => 12345 # port to listen on
codec => "json"
filter {
mutate {
update => { "host" => "%{[mqtt][clientIP]}" }
update => { "port" => "%{[mqtt][port]}" }
copy => { "[mqtt][payload]" => "mqtt-payload" }
#output {
# file {
# path => "/tmp/mylogstash.log"
# #codec => "json"
# }