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5.4 Resources pages how do I?

Daniel Pett edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

The resources pages hosts a wide variety of video and 3D and other material, which is pretty much driven from the front matter section.

layout: resources
title: Coffin study resources
permalink: /resources
    title: Carpentry of coffins
    id: 305722937
    order: 2
    title: A symbol of rebirth
    id: 305722885
    order: 1
    title: Ancient Egyptian toolkit
    id: 305722898
    order: 2
    title: Studying Egyptian coffins from Luxor by Dr.Helen Strudwick
    id: M8KeRQUmcXs
    order: 1
    title: Egyptian Coffins
    id: Ui_VMSAH3VI
    order: 2
    title: Death on the Nile
    id: 7jdmIRtCSls
    order: 3
    id: f9d016e4f74449a583ee6811d0b17bc8
    id: 37128a12fc4d4c5e842a872f4085664d
    id: acee2feffdd64389adf9b996f12e6cfb

This file is stored at the root of the site as and renders off the resources template, and iterates over each section. We can extend this as we get more and more contents.