composer require ferror/asyncapi-doc-bundle
// config/bundles.php
return [
Ferror\AsyncapiDocBundle\Symfony\Bundle::class => ['all' => true],
# config/packages/asyncapi_doc_bundle.yaml
title: 'Service Example API'
version: '1.2.3' # Your API version
events: # The event class namespace
- Ferror\AsyncapiDocBundle\Tests\Examples\UserSignedUp
# config/routes.yaml
path: /asyncapi.yaml
controller: ferror.asyncapi_doc_bundle.controller.yaml
methods: GET
path: /asyncapi.json
controller: ferror.asyncapi_doc_bundle.controller.json
methods: GET
path: /asyncapi
controller: ferror.asyncapi_doc_bundle.controller.ui
methods: GET
Async API Symfony Bundle will use Reflection to determine the type and name of properties.
Check out the other example if you want to define them manually.
use Ferror\AsyncapiDocBundle\Attribute\Message;
#[Message(name: 'ProductCreated', channel: 'product.created')]
final readonly class ProductCreated
public function __construct(
public int $id,
public float $amount,
public string $currency,
public bool $isPaid,
public DateTime $createdAt,
public Week $week,
public Payment $payment,
public array $products,
public array $tags,
) {
use Ferror\AsyncapiDocBundle\Attribute as AA;
use Ferror\AsyncapiDocBundle\Schema\Format;
use Ferror\AsyncapiDocBundle\Schema\PropertyType;
#[AA\Message(name: 'ProductCreated', channel: 'product.created')]
final readonly class ProductCreated
public function __construct(
#[AA\Property(name: 'id', type: PropertyType::INTEGER)]
public int $id,
#[AA\Property(name: 'amount', type: PropertyType::FLOAT)]
public float $amount,
#[AA\Property(name: 'currency', type: PropertyType::STRING)]
public string $currency,
#[AA\Property(name: 'isPaid', type: PropertyType::BOOLEAN)]
public bool $isPaid,
#[AA\Property(name: 'createdAt', type: PropertyType::STRING, format: Format::DATETIME)]
public DateTime $createdAt,
#[AA\PropertyEnum(name: 'week', enum: Week::class)]
public Week $week,
#[AA\PropertyObject(name: 'payment', class: Payment::class)]
public Payment $payment,
#[AA\PropertyArrayObject(name: 'products', class: Product::class)]
public array $products,
#[AA\PropertyArray(name: 'tags', itemsType: 'string')]
public array $tags,
) {