- This repositories is a reimplementation of Insightface(github)
- Training code is included, you can use your own data to train models
- We are trying to use new features and Hight Level APIs in TesnsorFlow, such as Keras, Eager Execution, tf.data and so on. The code can even run successful under TF2.0 with a little changes
- The recognition(github-recognition) with tf-1.14 has been reimplemented and the RetinaFace-tf will be upload soon
- recognition
- Backbones
- ResNet_v1 [done]
- Losses
- Arcface loss [done]
- Cosface loss [done]
- Sphereface loss [done]
- Triplet loss [done]
- Center loss [done]
- Training code [done]
- Evaluate [done]
- Freeze to pb model [todo]
- Backbones
- RetinaFace [todo]
- TensorFlow1.14
- python 3.7
- numpy, pyyaml, matplotlib (Anaconda 3 recommended)