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Containerization and Docker

polyphem edited this page Sep 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

To deliver software packages efficiently, we use Docker. Each software package is encapsulated in a container and deployed via docker-compose. This page should give you an overview of the different container we use and how they interact with each other.


List of containers

  • The Controller
    The Controller serves the Frontend, also known as IKON Projektor.

  • The Data Access Layer (DAL)
    The Data Access Layer (DAL) provides access to all the data for the visualization through an API. Additionally, it writes the data provided by the MWC and OpenStreetMaps into the Database.

  • The Database (Postgres)
    The Database stores the data from the MediaWiki (VIA) and the scraped data from the DFG (Gepris).

  • The Compute-Server (topic extraction)
    The Compute-Server handles the machine learning tasks. Among other things, it is mainly responsible for the clustering.

  • The MediaWiki Connector (MWC)
    The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) is providing data through there MediaWiki also known as VIA. The MediaWiki Connector acts as an adapter. The Adapter handles the login und consumes the MediaWiki API.

Internal and external ports

Container Name Internal Port External Port
MediaWiki Connector (MWC) Port 8081 Port 5434* 
Controller Port 3000 Port 80
Data Access Layer (DAL) Port 8080 Port 5433*
Database (postgres) Port 5432 Port 5432*
Compute-Server (topicextraction) Port 8082 Port 5435*

*Ports will be closed in the final release version

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