[] More options (for real)
Added a couple of options to make the classifier more user friendly/flexible
Started work on the wiki (documentation).
Added Minimum category percent.
We now 'timestamp' the last received time, that way, we can check emails that arrived while the classifier was not running, (in Exchanges for example).
- Added CheckUnProcessedEmailsOnStartUp option in case you don't want that check, (if you are happy with the Exchange rules been applied or if you have another outlook applying rules already).
Updated to 1.6.3 engine + interface.
Added option to delay the classification, (to allow rules to fire).
Added option to set the number of entries we want to display.
Changed the behaviour of some option values to be read only, (you could not change the value anyway, so it was a bit misleading)
Changed GetLogEntries( ... ) to now return the entry ID as well.
- The log summary now has the log id in it to make it easier to find.
Bug fix
- Fixed an issue with the order of the last 'x' log entries been displayed, (was mostly un-ordered).
- Fixed a option spelling mistake, "CheckIfUnownCategory" > "CheckIfUnKnownCategory".
- Fixed wording of "Common word percent", (functionality is ok, just wording).
- Fixed a bug in the delayed emails (