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Sorting Visualizer

Sorting Algorithm Visualization Software

이 프로젝트는 KSA 자료구조 수업 - 정렬 알고리즘 시뮬레이터 개발 숙제를 위해 진행되었습니다.
정렬 알고리즘의 시각적, 청각적 표현을 통한 심화적 학습을 목적으로 제작되었습니다.

Sorting Algorithm List

  1. Bubble Sort (Info)
  2. Insertion Sort (Info)
  3. Selection Sort (Info)
  4. Quick Sort (First Index Pivot, Last Index Pivot) (Info)
  5. Merge Sort (Info)
  6. Radix Sort (LSD) (Info)
  7. Shell Sort (Info)
  8. Comb Sort (Info)
  9. Heap Sort (Info)
  10. Tim Sort (Merge + Insertion) (Info)
  11. Intro Sort (Quick + Heap + Insertion) (Info)
  12. Counting Sort (Info)
  13. Gnome Sort (Stupid Sort) (Info)
  14. Odd-Even Sort (Info)
  15. Cocktail Sort (Info)
  16. Bogo Sort (Info)
  17. Adaptive Partition Sort (APS, Quick + Merge + Insertion) (Info)

Sample Arrays for Sorting Test

  1. Sorted : Ascending Integer Array
  2. Random : Distinct Random Integer Array
  3. Reversed : Descending Integer Array
  4. Almost Sorted : Ascending Integer Array with Some Errors (err = lg(length**2))

Color Description

  1. White (#FFFFFF) : Indexes in Sorting
  2. Gray (#969696) : Out of Partition
  3. Red (#d64747) : Indexes in Comparing or Processing
  4. Blue (#47cdd6) : Pivot Index
  5. Green (#8fd647) : Sort Checking

License : GPL 3.0

Copyright (C) 2023 CLiF and Syeosle

This program was developed with PyQt


Sorting Algorithm Visualization Software (KSA DS Homework)





