A GUI for Bank Tycoon on Roblox
#buy workers section allows you to buy more of the same worker which makes the process of collecting money much faster
#settings section
Collect Cash: A button that will collect the cash that is gathered
Remove Door Beams: it will remove door beams indivdually, I tried to make it remove all at once but was having trouble doing so, you have click the remove beams button like a total of 14 times.
Obby platform: this will basically spawn a platform locally for you only to get passed all obeys with ease
Fast speed(x): basically click the button then press the key 'x' to toggle speed on and off
Collect cashcrates: it will auto teleport you to all detected crash crates
Buy workers here is a example with clerk 1 as you can see it spawns more than one just make sure you have the cash to pay for them
Remove lag simply delete all workers locally from your point of view, but it does not stop the workers from working it just removes there model to remove lag if you have bought a ton of workers.
same goes with Remove gem clutter, it removes things like gems, and cash that is dropped by the workers.
Toggle UI: just allows you to set a bind for the script
Infinite yield: I very popular script that works along side pretty much every roblox game.
Unhide chat: allows you to see whispers and hidden chat from other players
Chat translation: will convert all messages from chat to english if the other players is speaking another language.