A small web service for printing similar words in the English language.
Two words w_1 and w_2 are considered similar if w_1 is a letter permutation of w_2 (e.g., "stressed" and "desserts").
As Docker is used to simplify and ease the use of this web service, please make sure you have Docker installed: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/
sudo docker build -t print-similar .
sudo docker run -p 8000:8000/tcp -it print-similar
A DB of the English dictionary should be provided.
The service expects the DB ("words_clean.txt" text file) to be in the local directory.
The data is stored in a simple dictionary structure where the key is the sorted permutation for a given word
and the value is a list of words can are sorted to the same base permutation, for example:
{'aelpp' : ["appl", "appel","pepla"]}
In the app startup process we build this data word by word from the given words file.
Method to find similar words:
- sort the given input
- get the correlating values
- remove the input word from the values
- return the remaining values
The web service listen on port 8000 and support the following two HTTP endpoints:
GET /api/v1/similar?word=stressed
Returns all words in the dictionary that has the same permutation as the word "stressed".
The word in the query should not be returned.
The result format is a JSON object as follows:
GET /api/v1/stats
Return general statistics about the program:
- Total number of words in the dictionary
- Total number of requests (not including "stats" requests)
- Average time for request handling in nano seconds (not including "stats" requests)
The output is a JSON object structured as follows:
- The input dictionary text file in not validated/sanitized
- Requests without a result will just return
and not an error code (please make sure that the file only contains one word per line format) - Flask-Cache should be introduced to enable caching (https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-Cache/)