In order to run the info dashboards several components need to be installed:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt install git
Clone git in Your local directory, or where ever the project root shall be.
git clone
Create the npm files needed for this instance
npm install
Next go to the config directory and create a file with the configuration for the project.
cd config
vi config.development.json
The config file has the following syntax. Replace the password and user according to Your mysql installation.
"development": true,
"connectionLimit": 10,
"host": "localhost",
"user": "root",
"password": "19467fdm",
"database": "info",
"multipleStatements": true,
"timezone": "local",
"httphost": "http://localhost",
"PORT": "3006",
"CAPTCHAKEY": "Not yet needed",
"CMCAPIKEY": "Private key here",
"ETHOSERIAL": "Serial number of an ETHO address"
Make sure You make the file only readable to the user running late node js.
chown 0600 config.development.json
Next we need to create the database called info. For that we go to the project root.
cd ..
mysqladmin -uroot -p create info
mysql -uroot -p info < basedataset.sql
Finally we install PM2 and fire it up
sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
Now You can start the website with It should look like this one: