This is a connector to MongoDB data in the form of a Mapnik C++ plugin. MongoDB supports spatial indexig on a sphere for a Points, a LineStrings and a Polygons since version 2.4.
Input plugin accepts the following parameters:
- host -- (optional) hostname to connect MongoDB [default: "localhost"]
- port -- (optional) port to connect [default: 27017]
- dbname -- (optional) database name to use [default: "gis"]
- collection -- (required) collection to use
Example in XML:
<Parameter name="type">mongodb</Parameter>
<Parameter name="collection">polygons</Parameter>
Records in the database should have a "geometry" property with GeoJSON geometry (only Point, LineString and Polygon are supported), and a "properties" property, which contains an information about feature.
geometry: {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [ [ lng1, lat1 ], [ lng2, lat2 ], ... ]
properties: {
name: "Long Hard Road",
id: 32167,
CAUTION: notice the Longitude, Latitude order.
Render result for test/test.js, source shape files in QGis screenshot:
- Install MongoDB with C++ driver (libmongoclient)
Recommended to install from
git clone
cd mongo
git checkout r2.4.6
scons --full install
- Start MongoDB
In another terminal:
mkdir db
cd db
mongod --dbpath .
- Prepare test environment (optional)
The tests are written in Node.js v0.10.x for Mapnik v2.2.x.
cd test/
npm install mongodb mapnik
- Import a shapefiles to the database
In another terminal:
node import.js
Run test.js
node test.js