Generate base names using Jan Misali's system! Factor, Name, and Abbreviation calculations are done once when requested, then stored in a list for future look up. Abbreviations are done in a more sensible substitution that is already unique, rather than a small unique and unhelpful subset of the name.
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<script src=""></script>
- nul is nullary
- uni is uninary
- - is negative
- [n] is n + 1 and is prime
- b is times 2 (bi)
- t is times 3 (tri)
- T is times 4 (tetra)
- p is times 5 (penta)
- h is times 6 (hexa)
- s is times 7 (septa)
- o is times 8 (octa)
- n is times 9 (nona)
- d is times 10 (deca)
- l is time 11 (leva)
- D is times 12 (dozen)
- B is times 13 (baker)
- x is times 16 (hex)
- S is times 17 (subopt)
- f is times 36 (nift)
- c is times 100 (centes)
getNumericName(19n); // "untriseximal"
getNumericName(19n, false); // "hentrihexasna"
getNumericAbbreviation(19n); // "[th]"