Neko is a 3D game engine based on SDL2 and OpenGL ES 3.0 that works on Desktop (Windows and Linux, not MacOSX), WebGL2 and Nintendo Switch (port to Android and iOS possible) used at SAE Institute Geneva.
Install CMake ([]), the Vulkan SDK ([]) and Python3 ([]). Visual Studio 2019 is recommended on Windows.
Because we use C++17 filesystem, you will need at least Ubuntu 19.10 to compile with the latest libstdc++ or even better Clang and libc++. You will need to install the packages:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libsdl2-dev glslang-tools python3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libzstd-dev
Simply use Android Studio and open the android/GPR5300 folder. You will need to install NDK. The Android Studio cmake version is too old so put your recent cmake into the PATH as well as Ninja ([]).
Install the emsdk. Then you can:
emcmake cmake .. # it will not work the first time?
emcmake cmake ..
make comp_graph # only the comp graph executable is currently working
- SDL2 []
- GLAD []
- Box2D []
- googletest []
- google benchmark []
- imgui []
- sole uuid []
- xxhash []
- stb_image []
- assimp []
- Khronos' KTX-Software []
- libzstd (used in KTX-Software, included for android port) []
- SFML net []
- freetype []
- easy_profiler []
- fmt []
- nlohmann's json []
- units []
- Elias Farhan
- Fred Dubouchet
- Simon Canas
- Luca Floreau
- Guillaume Jeannin
- Stephen Grosjean
- Sébastien Feser