62Go ext4, 2Go swap
- Debian 8.3 - amd64
- Openssh-server
- Nfs support (nfs-common, cachefilesd)
- VirtualBox Guest Additions 5.0.14 (dkms, linux-headers)
- Ansible (elao)
- Vim 7.4
- Git 2.1.4
- Oh-my-zsh
- Make 4.0
- Vagrant integration (user & public ssh key)
- Vim customization (default editor, syntax highlighting, ...)
- Increase git performance over nfs with core.preloadindex true
- Remove acl
- Vagrant user is now member of group "vagrant" (was "users" before)
- Add elao debian repository
- Ansible 2 as debian elao repository package
- Use 2.0 elao ansible roles
- Debian 8.3
- VirtualBox Guest Additions 5.0.14
- No longer add vagrant public ssh key to docker build
- Disable splash screen during preseed
- Use google dns servers
- Use debian httpredir as apt sources
- Fix oh-my-zsh user configuration file group permission
- No more annoying mouse support in vim
- Default locale to C.UTF-8
- Acl support