This plugin was designed for handling basic functions inside the EarthPol Geopolitical Server (June 2021)
Now repurposed for EarthMC ;) (As of April 2024)
This version is made for 1.19.4.
- Viable Anti-Claimhop and Anti-CombatLog plugin
- Prevents Anti-Claimhop by keeping a player damageable even if they enter claims
- Prevents the usage of Riptide, Ender Chest access and Elytras in combat
- Configurable combat timer (30s currently)
- Prevents the usage of a configurable set of commands (such as teleportation)
- other features specific to the EarthMC environment.
Originally made by Ludwig_H & 0xBit for EarthPol's TownyCore plugin, repurposed and modernized by Foksha, Error110, CorruptedGreed and Windows10Laptop for EarthMC!
Special thanks to testers Alzxdnr and EXPloite ;D