SmartHomeAR App allows you to control the following smart devices through AR.
- Smart TV with Ambient Light
- Lights
- Electric Fan
- Painting Ambient Light
- Air Conditioning
What I see vs how others see me
- Unity 3D 2019 (2019.4.11f1)
- Mixed Reality Toolkit 2.4
- IoT Platforms
- Smart Life
- Magic Hue
- eWeLink
Currently the implementation requires internet connections because most smart home devices of today doesn't provide any API for local integration.
- SmartIR similar to this Tuya Smart-IR Mini.
- must be IFTTT Compatible
- LED Strip with Wifi Controller similar to this product MagicHue Smart LED Strip for the TV Ambient Light.
- must be IFTTT Compatible
- A flat screen TV with 1~3 HDMI
- Aircon with the following controls (Mine is a DaiKin)
- Fan Only
- Cool
- Temperature (+/-)
- Quite Mode
- IFTTT Pro ($3.99/monthly)
Before anything else, if you were able to buy the SmartIR and Magic Hue LED Strip as mentioned above, you will end up having the Smart Life (Tuya) and Magic Hue IoT Platforms installed in your mobile phones. Make sure that the SmartIR device is added to your Smart Life / Tuya App and that the LED Strip lights is added to your Magic Hue a.k.a. Magic Home App.
Please note the following:
- You can use either Smart Life or Tuya, most likely when a device is Smart Life compatible, it is Tuya compatible as well, what I use is the Smart Life app.
- Magic Hue and Magic Home Pro are the same (their backend are the same, what ever device you add in Magic Hue with will available as well in Magic Home), the only difference is that Magic Home service is not available in IFTTT. What I use is the Magic Hue to prevent confusion.
When you properly added the SmartIR device in your Smart Life / Tuya app, make your that you add the Aircon and TV remote to the Smart IR's sub devices.
To create an API that is compatible with web call. use the Webhooks service.
- Open IFTTT (either website / mobile app)
- Create new Applet
- Under IF THIS search and select webhooks.
- In the list of available triggers select Receive a web request.
- Under Even Name field put tvled_lights_on then click Create Trigger.
- Under THEN THAT search and select Magic Hue. if a login is requested, login your Magic Hue account.
- Under list of available actions select Turn lights on.
- This will then display your available Magic Hue devices, select the correct device and click Create Action.
- In the main page of Applet creation click Continue.
- To make it easy to remember the applet change the Applet Title to tvled_lights_on_api.
- Do note that IFTTT Webhook APIs required an API Key, to know your API key navigate to Webhook Settings !! Remember this Key as we will be needing this in the future.
- To test your new API, navigate to the following url:<your_webhook_api_key>
. If the LED Strip is off, it will turn on after few seconds.
Do the above procedure to the following APIs as well.
- LED Lights
- tvled_lights_off
- tvled_lights_red
- tvled_lights_green
- tvled_lights_white
- tvled_lights_blue
- TV
- tv_volume_up
- tv_volume_down
- tv_power
- tv_mute
- tv_source_tv - direct to DTV source
- tv_source_hdmi1 - direct to hdmi1 (mine is Chromecast)
- tv_source_hdmi2 - direct to hdmi2 (mine is PC)
- tv_source_hdmi3 - direct to hdmi3 (mine is PS4)
- Air Conditioning
- aircon_temp_up
- aircon_temp_down
- aircon_quite - direct to Quite Mode
- aircon_fan - direct to Fan Only
- aircon_cool - direct to Cool (normal mode)
- aircon_default - trigger multiple actions (THEN THAT)
- Turn on the Aircon
- Cool
- Set temperature to 23 deg.
One all your api the ready time to clone the source code of this Git Repository. Once done, open the unity scene MainScene.unity from folder Scenes
Before building the Unity you need to first create the following file SecretsManager.cs
under ERNI.SmartHomeAR/Assets/Scripts/
public class SecretsManager
public static string IftttMakerApiKey = "<your_webhook_api_key>";
Finally, build the Unity project as a normal HoloLens Project. For any questions you may contact [email protected] or [email protected]
- MRTK Basics
- MRTK Documetation
- MRTK Required Software
- MRTK Demo Apps
- Unity Udemy Course (Suggest to take)
- Mixed Reality Toolkit Unity Packages
- Unity Installer (Unity Hub)
- IFTTT Webhook Applet
- Tuya/SmartLife
- eWeLink -