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small Matplotlib based utility library for live visualization of simulation data


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A simple matplotlib-based utility library for visualizing data in control simulations and more.

The main features of this library are grouped in the Plot class which represents a matplotlib window with multiple subplots displaying data. You can add several types of data in each subplot and can easily create animated plots and save them to a video file. You can find in the sections below a high-level overview of the library's features and concepts. Please refer to the docstrings of the classes and functions for more details.


Simply install it with pip:

pip install git+<desired_version>#egg=data_visualization

where <desired_version> is the tag of the desired version (e.g. v2.0.0 or main for the latest version). To develop the package, follow the instructions of the Notion guide.

Basic usage

The Plot class is the main class of the library. It represents a matplotlib window with multiple subplots. It is first constructed as an empty grid (leveraging matplotlib's Gridspec) that the user can populate with the Plot.add_subplot() method in a declarative fashion. This method let you specify where the subplot is located on the grid (it can occupy several cells of the grid to create subplots of different sizes) and declare the curves that it will contain. This hierarchy plot > subplot> curve is represented in the following image: plot-subplot-curve

In data_visualization, you can highly customize all the data you specify. Most of the customization options are described by four enum classes : PlotMode, SubplotType, CurveType and CurvePlotStyle. They are described in the following sections.

Once the plot is created and the data specified, you can actually plot it with the method Plot.plot() that optionally saves the plot to an image file in static mode or to a video file in animated modes (see details below.


This option is specified at the plot level and defines three different operating modes:

  • Static : classic way of plotting data, all the curves are plotted at once, without any animation. All the data to plot is specified at the plot creation (e.g. after the simulation you were running has ended). Probably the most useful in a lot of cases.
  • Dynamic : creates an animated way of displaying data that is already generated and that is provided at the creation of the plot (e.g. after the simulation you were running has ended). It is mostly useful for saving a video of the animation.
  • Live dynamic : just as the dynamic mode, the live dynamic mode can be used to display animated data. The difference is that the data does not need to already be generated and can be provided to the Plot object throughout the experiment via a socket communication mechanism. This is useful for displaying data in real-time during a simulation. The advantage of using sockets is that the data can be generated on a different machine than the one that displays the data. This is useful for example when you want to display real time data from a running car. To use this mode, you actually need a second class, Publisher, that should be instantiated in a separate process and that is responsible for sending the data to the Plot object. Because of the currently implemented communication protocol, this mode is still unstable, so use it with caution. Please refer to the section below for more details.


There are 2 subplots types that are specified in the call to add_subplot and that describe the nature of the data to be displayed:

  • spatial : the data is plotted on a 2D space. This is useful for displaying a XY trajectory for example.
  • temporal : the data is plotted on a 1D space as a function of time. This is useful for displaying an arbitrary value (e.g. speed, steering angle, ...) as a function of time.


A curve can be of 3 types that are specified in the call to add_subplot:

  • static : the curve is plotted once at the creation of the Plot and in dynamic and live dynamic modes does not change throughout the animation. This is useful for plotting static obstacles like cones or bounds on temporal values.
  • regular : in static mode the curve is simply displayed, in dynamic and live dynamic modes, the curve is animated by appending values to it at each iteration. This is useful for plotting the trajectory of the car and the evolution of any value over time.
  • prediction : only used in dynamic and live dynamic modes (ignored in static mode), the curve is fully redrawn at each iteration instead of appending values to it. This is useful for plotting predicted trajectories of a car (e.g. provided by an MPC controller) that change at each iteration without being related to the one from the previous iteration.

Note: Be careful to make the distinction between a static curve and a static plot.


The style of a curve refers to the matplotlib function used to plot the data. It is specified in the call to add_subplot and can be one of the following:

  • plot: continuous line obtained by connecting the points with straight lines.
  • scatter : scatter plot, i.e. individual data points that are not connected.
  • step: staircase plot, see matplotlib documentation for more details.
  • semilogx: just like plot but the x-axis is in log scale.
  • semilogy: just like plot but the y-axis is in log scale.
  • loglog: just like plot but both the x-axis and the y-axis are in log scale.

Note: Scatter cannot currently be used for dynamic and live dynamic plots.

Important to know

  • In add_sublot, the curve data is always specified in the form of a dictionary of the following form:

         "curve_1": {
            "data": data_1,
            "curve_type": CurveType.STATIC,
            "curve_style": CurvePlotStyle.SCATTER,
            "mpl_options": {"color": "red", "marker": "^"},
        "curve_2": {
            "data": data_2,
            "curve_type": CurveType.REGULAR,
            "curve_style": CurvePlotStyle.PLOT,
            "mpl_options": {"color": "blue"},

    where data_1 and data_2 are either numpy arrays of appropriate dimensions (see point below) or Nones (see live dynamic section for more details). The mpl_options dictionary is passed to the matplotlib function used to plot the curve (e.g. plot or scatter) and can be used to customize the curve appearance. For more details on the available options, please refer to the matplotlib documentation.

  • While the data for static curves can have any length, the data for regular and prediction curves must have the same length, and that throughout the subplots. This is not a limitation of the library, but is due to the interpretation of this data: it should represent samples that are all collected at the same time (e.g. at each iteration of a simulation). Similarly, all the prediction should have the same length, and that throughout the subplots.

    The dimensions of the data to be provided in add_subplot are summed up in the following tables:

    • for spatial subplots
    static plot dynamic plot live dynamic plot
    static curve (anything, 2) (anything, 2) (anything, 2)
    regular curve (N,2) (N,2) None at initialization and (2,) at each publish
    prediction curve (N,M,2) (N,M,2) None at initialization and (M, 2) at each publish
    • for temporal subplots
    static plot dynamic plot live dynamic plot
    static curve (anything,) (anything,) (anything,)
    regular curve (N,) (N,) None at initialization and (1,) at each publish
    prediction curve (N,M) (N,M) None at initialization and (M,) at each publish

Advanced usage

Create a video file from a dynamic plot

When calling the function plot, after initializing the plot, you can pass the argument save_path to save the video at the specified path. This requires a FFMpeg encoder to be installed on your machine. If it is not follow this tutorial (paragraph "2) Installing FFMpeg"). And you can find the download link here.

If you don't want to install FFMpeg you can use another writer for matplotlib : PillowWriter. To do so, just comment and uncomment the lines in the call of in the function plot of the Plot class ( The drawback is the format: it only allows to save the video in .gif format.

Note: the way matplotlib implements animations prohibits us from saving the video AND displaying it at the same time. We therefore made the choice to ignore the show argument when save_path is not None.

Plotting a simple representation of the car


You have the possibility to plot a simple representation of the car. To do so, you need to pass the argument show_car=true while initializing the plot.

The class Car is used to know which data to use :

  • _trajectory : string : the trajectory of the car.
  • _orientation : string : the orientation angle of the car, in radians.
  • _steering : string : the steering angle of the car.

These attributes are set while adding a subplot. The argument car_data_type : string is used to specify which attribute to set. The argument car_data_names : list[string] is used to specify which curve to use for the data. The argument car_ids : list[int] is used to specify which car is concerned by the data.

To add a new car you simply need to pass the next id in the argument car_ids and the list of cars will be updated automatically.

An attribute _show_car that stays False until the _trajectory attribute is set. This attribute is the only one necessary to plot the car.

Live dynamic plots

To create a live dynamic plot, you need two separate processes: one that will generate the data and publish it, and one that will subscribe to it and update the plot in real time, as it receives the data. This communication is achieved thanks to the Publisher and Subscriber classes, however you only have to instantiate the former, the latter being automatically handled in the Plot class when you specify the live dynamic mode. The simplest way to create the two processes is to create two separate scripts, the first declaring the Publisher (it could be a simulation script, or a ROS node that runs on the actual car), and the second declaring the Plot and specifying how the data should be displayed.

The current implementation uses Python sockets to communicate via TCP. This means that you have to specify the addresses and ports in both the Publisher and the Plot classes. This implementation is as robust as we would like it to be, but already implements some safety mechanisms to avoid crashes:

  • to ensure synchronization, if the subscriber script is launched before the publisher script, the Plot class (more precisely its Subscriber instance) will try to connect until it succeeds. If the connection is lost, the Plot class will try to reconnect until it succeeds.

  • When the Publisher instance is destroyed, it sends a message to the Subscriber instance to notify it that it should stop listening, thus safely ending the communication. This is done to avoid the Plot class to try to reconnect to a non-existing publisher. You can also manually close the communication with the method Publisher.terminate().

    To ensure maximal safety, you should also manually connect the SIGINT signal to Publisher.terminate() once it is declared using the signal module.

At the creation of the plot, you have to specify the data for the static curves and give None data for all the other curves. To update the regular and prediction curves, you have to send a dictionary of data with the method Publisher.publish_msg(). The dictionary should represent the layout of the plot, with the keys being the names of the subplots, and the values being sub-dictionaries with the keys being the names of the curves, and the values being the data for the curve. The data should be numpy arrays of the appropriate dimensions (see above. For example if we suppose that we have a plot with two subplots subplot_1 and subplot_2, each containing curves curve_1 and curve_2 respectively, the data to be sent should be of the form:

    "subplot_1": {
        "curve_1": np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
    "subplot_2": {
        "curve_2": np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]),

Live camera feed in live dynamic plots

In a live dynamic plot, you can optionally also send an image along with the curve data, that will be displayed in a CV2 window.


You can find examples of the features described above in the examples directory. They all use the same layout: a plot with a 2x1 spatial subplot representing a map with cones and a trajectory, and a 1x1 temporal subplot representing the speed of the car, and another 1x1 temporal subplot representing the steering of the car.

Known bugs / limitations

  • the xlim and ylim of the plots are updated each time the plotted data changes
  • The Publisher.terminate() method is not always properly called when connected to SIGINT signal (see above).
  • In animated modes (dynamic and live dynamic), the regular and prediction curves are erased when the window is resized. This is not a problem during the animation since everything will be redrawn anyway, but it is a problem after the last frame. Try not to resize the window during the animation.
  • Sometimes (we don't know when or why), you may encounter FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory error in live dynamic mode in the script creating the Plot instance. This may be solved by calling multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') method before creating the Plot instance, see this page for details.

Implementation details (for developers)

ErrorMessageMixin is inherited in most classes to standardize error messages output.

Socket communication protocol used for live dynamic plots

Currently, the communication is done via TCP and python sockets. We should eventually switch to more robust zmq sockets.


small Matplotlib based utility library for live visualization of simulation data







Contributors 3
