This is a docker for sen2cor, a prototype processor for processing Sentinel 2 Level 1C to Level 2A. The orginal sen2cor installer can be downloaded from ESA STEP.
When using this docker there is no need to download the original installer, simply follow the instructions on how to use below.
First clone the repository into your local machine, assuming you have git installed into your machine.
git clone
To use the container as it is, create directories ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/archives
, ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/unzipped_scenes
and ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/dem
. These paths are set in the .env
The first volume ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/archives
is a full path to the Sentinel data archives repository (.zip).
The second volume ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/unzipped_scenes
is a full path to a repository with unzipped scenes (.SAFE).
The third volume ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/dem
is a full path to a repository where the downloaded DEMs are stored.
If you decide to store the data elsewhere edit the paths on the provided .env
file but make sure that the paths exists.
To build, run the command:
To test enter the command ./run
without any commandline inputs. This command prints the
supported command line parameters:
Wrapper script for Sen2Cor
Usage: ./run [-h] [-r {10,20,60}] [-d] [-u] SCENE-ID
-h --help Prints this help and exits
-r --resolution Target resolution, can be 10, 20 or 60m (default 10)
-d --with-dem Uses a DEM (default off)
-u --delete-unzipped Delete the unzipped file after running Sen2Cor (default off)
SCENE-ID The Sentinel-2 scene id to process
/src/ A scene id is required.
To run the processor type and run the command:
./run -r 10 -d -u S2A_L1C_scene_id
After cloning, change directory into the cloned folder.
To use the image without editing anything on the .env
file, create directrories ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/archives
, ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/unzipped_scenes
and ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/dem
Alternatively, you can edit edit the above directories/volumes in the .env
file using the path where sentinel scenes are located in your machine as already mentioned above.
Download a Sentinel 2 tile for example "" and save it in the "~/Documents/Sentinel/2/archives" directory.
Build the docker image by running ./build
. This may take time.
Run sen2cor to convert the downloaded from L1C to L2A as follows:
./run -r 10 -d -u
The results will be in the ~/Documents/Sentinel/2/unzipped_scenes
folder with the name "S2A_MSIL2A_20161206T080312_N0204_R035_T34HFH_20161206T081929.SAFE".
For more information on how to use sen2cor, visit the site ESA STEP.
Special thanks to @hjaekel who edited the Dockefile
files by adding commandline options for using a DEM and for deleting the unzipped file. In addition edited the Dockerfile
to avoid GDAL from ubuntigis and added a line to remove the sen2cor binary after installation.