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Workspace representation in Kubernetes

achtsnits edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

K8s "Bucket" claim

To state the need for the creation of a bucket e.g. with name "rm-user-john" the following Kubernetes CRD must be created in the cluster


  • workspace-api is deployed in namespace rm
  • each user should get resources provisioned in his own namespace rm-user-<username> (note: using separate namespaces is not mandatory but helps to keep cluster organized)
  • secret should be created in user namespace
apiVersion: epca.eo/v1alpha1
kind: Bucket
  name: bucket
  namespace: rm
  bucketName: rm-user-john
  secretName: bucket
  secretNamespace: rm-user-john

K8s secret for user bucket

The following fieldnames are required in the secret to indicate a succeeded fulfillment process:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: bucket
  namespace: rm-user-john
  bucketname: <bucket name>
  access: <access key> 
  secret: <access secret>
  projectid: <optional, needed for CreoDias/Openstack>