My first Deep Learning project - A Convolutional Neural Network that classifies images of Nicolas Cage
Check out the medium article I wrote on this project here
In this project I wanted to learn the basics of neural networks, deep learning, and convolution. I also wanted to apply a goofy twist to the project with Nicolas Cage images.
- python=3.6.4
- numpy=1.16.4
- Tensorflow=1.14.0
- Keras=2.2.4
- Nic_Cage_SourceCode.ipynb - Source code for the model
- Nic_Cage_Explanation.ipynb - The full model source code along with explanations of the code and explanations of concepts like Convolution, Maxpooling, and Backpropagation
- Jupyter_Images - contains the visual aid image files used in the explanation notebook
- Dataset - contains the images used for training the classifier. It contains 2 classes. Class0 being the random "not Nicolas Cage" images and Class1 being the images of Nicolas Cage
- Predict - contains some funny Nicolas Cage memes used for testing out our classifier after it's been trained
To start the notebook run jupyter notebook
in terminal