This is simple manifests to run STF on k8s without helm. Most of them are copied with some modifications from stf-k8s by Dimas Aryo Prakoso One addition is that openstf provider proxy, which is dynamicly routes screen WebSockets to provider, that is outside of k8s. This is something that was partially reworked by me to get clearance on what is STF, how it works, and have some fun with K8S.
!!! It is NOT secured enough !!!
!!! It is NOT robust. (simple RethinkDB, no liveness/readiness probes and etc.) !!!
But it was good quick start, and i hope it will help someone.
- Domain used as accessable domain so it is supposed that STF will be deployed on domain
- Secrets:
- "RETHINKDB_DB_SECRET" - as RethinkDB authkey
- "OPENSTF_SECRET" - as STF web token secret.
- All app and pods prefixed with 'openstf-', instead of original 'stf-'. This done because k8s provides a lot of information about pods and services in environment variables. For example stf-app will have a lot of variables started with STF_APP, so there are some conflicts, due stf services are also managed through environment in same manner. This is done to prevent conflicts.
Please check rethinkdb. This is basic single node rethinkdb deployment. So it really not recomended to use it in production, due low security. In this deployment rethink db is used as an example for quick start. Also it contains ingress that exposes admin intrface to public. So be aware on that.
Most important you need to know related to OpenSTF is that 'rethinkdb-secret' in (openstf-config) is created and it's reused by all services as AUTHKEY to access rethinkdb. Please note that same AUTHKEY must be applyed to 'admin' user by running following query (ex. throug admin interface).
Otherwise services will be not able to connect rethinkdb. Also this secret used by migrate job.
Build and deploy openstf provider proxy image to your registry. You could find description what it is in this README.MD.
In openstf-config 'openstf-app-secret' is created which is used as security token for all web services. So it's populated as environment variable to all services like 'api', 'app', 'storage', 'websocket' and etc.
Check openstf-config.yaml and correct domain names and rethinkdb url.
openstf-storage-temp and rethinkdb requires persistent volume claims, so look into subfolders to create required claims. So following claims 'openstf-storage-temp-data-claim' and 'rethinkdb-data-claim' are required. Refer to k8s documentation on persistent volumes.
Be aware that openstf-auth is MOCK AUTH, so it is absolutelly NOT SECURED. So it is not recommended for production. Please refer to original documentation to setup another authentication environment.
In basic setup you just need to apply everything in 'k8s' subfolders
- nginx-provider-proxy - nginx proxy for screen WebSockets, which routes to existing provider
- openstf-config - ConfigMap and secrets used by pods
- openstf-api - stf-api service, Rest API to stf
- openstf-app - stf-app service.
- openstf-auth - stf-auth service, currently Mock.
- openstf-ingress - ingress for k8s nginx ingress controller.
- openstf-migrate - stf-migrate. k8s job, that initializes db.
- openstf-processor - stf-processor, unit that dials appside or devside through triproxy services
- openstf-reaper - stf-reaper. "heartbeat" for devside
- openstf-storage-plugin-apk - stf-storage-plugin-apk. storage for deployed apk.
- openstf-storage-plugin-image - stf-storage-image, images preprocessor and storage
- openstf-storage-temp - stf-storage-temp. main storage, that stores blobs, file based.
- openstf-triproxy-app - stf-triproxy-app. publisher/subscriber/dialer for application side messages
- openstf-triproxy-dev - stf-triproxy-app. publisher/subscriber/dialer for device/provider side messages
- openstf-websocket - stf-websocket. WebSocket service for app.
- rethinkdb - single instance RethinkDb service.
Except docker-provider docker-provider is a docker-compose to run on machine outside of your k8s installation.
If you already have rethinkdb cluster, than skip applying rethinkdb manifests.
Basicly run
kubectl -n openstf apply -f .
in each sub directory Or just run
kubectl -n openstf apply -R -f k8s
Note: Be aware that openstf is namespace, that should exists.
As it was mentioned earlier, please, create Persistent Volume Claims 'openstf-storage-temp-data-claim' and 'rethinkdb-data-claim', if it was not done earlier. Refer to k8s documentation on persistent volumes.
It's simple.
- Get Linux Machine, that you'll connect your devices.
- Install docker and docker-compose.
- Copy docker-provider to somewhere on that machine.
- Fix docker-compose.yaml. Change 'openstf-provider' service with your domains, ips and ports.
docker-compose up -d
- Connect your devices
- Enjoy.
- OpenSTF/stf project - Original STF. Better to start from there. Many thanks to authors for their work.
- stf-k8s project - Helps a lot for first deployment.
- Agoda Android Farm Helm based deployment. More sofisticated approach. Includes emulators, liveness probes etc. Will be next step.