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BetterTextureAtlas is an Adobe Animate extension that tries to enhance the Texture Atlas exports,
Adding features and fixing its Animation file format so it presents more data for the user to easily change whether in-game or by tweaking values.


Due to how JSFL works, tweened frames don't work, and we couldn't yet add baked tweens.
If your animation contains tweens, convert your tweens to keyframes first.
Support for Flash CS6 and CS4 is still really primitive, we recommend exporting using newer Animate versions.

What differs from the default Texture Atlas Exporter?

  • Blend Mode Support
  • Baked Filters Support
  • Matrix reformatting
  • Multi-Symbol Support
  • Extra Metadata
  • Dynamic Tweening values
  • Sound support with its according settings (Event, Stream)
  • Vector Support
  • Reformatting of Filters
  • Filtered One Frame Symbols matrix errors
  • Optimized exports (being able to export 5~ SWF videos with relative ease)

How to install

With an Extension Manager (advisable)
With the Extension Manager open, whether from the Command Line or as an application, you install the extension, this should be known whether you use an application that comes within your Flash app or the CMD tool.

That being said, if you're using the Extension Manager app, just accept the license it'll be provided and it should be good to go.


To install them manually, you need to go to
C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Adobe\[Flash/Animate version]\[yourLocale]\Configuration\Commands
Example: C:\Users\sotif\AppData\Local\Adobe\Animate 2022\en_US\Configuration\Commands

With your zxp file, rename the extension to zip so you can extract the contents, except BetterTextureAtlas.mxi (this is only useful for the Extension Managers mentioned before)
Pro Tip: You can search where should the files be placed in the mxi file, specifically on the <files> block.

After installing the extension, you should restart the program if it's currently running, and after that it should pop up in the Commands tab.

How to use the extension

Select the symbol that you wanna export an click Commands > BetterTextureAtlas. A window will show up with different export settings to export your Texture Atlas.