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A api management API inspired from moya but for URLSession


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Swift Package Manager compatible Build

An URSessionDataTaskPublisher abstraction layer inspired by Moya.



Elegant api is available through Swift Package Manager

add this url to File -> Swift Packages -> Add new Dependecy


add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.0.9"))


import ElegentAPI

import ElegantAPI

You have to declare an enum representing your api endpoints

enum APIEndpoint{
    case login(emailId: String, password: String)
    case getProfile
    case updateProfile(user: User)
    case changeProfileImage(profileImage: UIImage)

Implement the enum with protocol API which contains all the requirement

extension APIEndpoint: API{

    var baseURL: URL {
        // You can provide diffrent base urls for diffrent endpoint enum cases
        URL(string: "<Your base URL>")!
    // End point path
    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case login:
            return "login"
        case getProfile:
            return "get_profile"
        case updateProfile:
            return "update_profile"
        case changeProfileImage:
            return change_profile_image
    // HTTP method of endpoint
    var method: ElegantAPI.Method {
        switch self {
        case .login:
            return .post
        case .getProfile:
            return .get
        case .updateProfile:
            return .patch
        case changeProfileImage:
            return .put
    var sampleData: Data {
        // for mocking requests
    var task: Task {
        switch self {
        case .login(let email,let password):
            return .requestParameters(parameters: [
                "email": email,
                "password": password
            ], encoding: .JSONEncoded)
        case .getProfile:
            return .requestPlain
        case .updateProfile(let user):
            return .requestJSONEncodable(user)
        case .changeProfileImage(let image):
            var data: [MultipartFormData] = [
                    data: image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.4) ?? Data(),
                    name: "image",
                    fileName: "\(UUID().uuidString).png",
                    mimeType: "image/jpeg"
            return .uploadMultipart(data)
    // Headers for request
    var headers: [String : String]? {
        switch self {
        case .login:
            return ["Content-Type": "application/json"]
        case .getProfile, .updateProfile, .changeProfileImage:
            return ["Authorization": "Bearer \(Persistance.shared.accessKey)"]

And that's you can define all api requests Now to perform this request

Using Combine

guard let request = APIEndpoint.login.getURLRequest() else {return}

// NetworkLogger is an micro library included inside Elegant api for logging network response and requests
NetworkLogger.log(request: request)

let publisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: req) { output in
    NetworkLogger.log(data:, response: output.response as? HTTPURLResponse, error: nil)
    return output
    receiveCompletion: { },
    receiveValue: { output in

You can also you the URLRequest for plain dataTask too.