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DivineDominion edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision



Whenever you specify a FILE NAME, leave the file extension out! The
file “antika.bmp” becomes “antika”. “” becomes

When using MAPS, keep in mind that the MAP FILE NAME mustn’t contain the
file extension “.map” as well. “.ani” files are loaded automatically and
they have to have the same name as the according map. This is a very
important convention, i.e. the program will crash when there’s no “.ani”
file for a “.map” file.

Oh, and whenever I use QUOTATION MARKS in an argument’s description,
leave them out in the script! They’re just there to separate the values
from description text.

Any script must contain a blank line in the end because BlitzBasic’s
ReadLine$() method didn’t work when there’s no new-line-character at
the supposed end, which means the last line will be ignored when you
forget to insert a blank line. Useful for one-line-comments.


For each map there’s an ANIMATION FILE. For “” there is
a file called “antikatown.ani”. This HAS TO be the case, if the .ani
file is called differently, the program will crash because it can’t
find the correct file. Probably I’ll implement a check so the program
doesn’t crash anymore. Either way, You won’t be able to chose .ani
files manually — they exist the way I designed the game or you’re
screwed :)

The syntax is fairly simple and depends on the design of the tilesets
a lot! Each line represents an animated tile with 4 parameters:


X and Y are the tile-coordinates on the map. START and END define a
RANGE IN THE TILESET — so if START=111 and END=118 (like I use them in
the town) the animation will iterate frames 111 to 118 in the tileset.
Remember to count from 0, not from 1.

How to implement map-teleporter

This one was screwed up a lot. More about this later.

How to implement NPCs

Place static NPCs in the script which executes upon map initialisation:

  active? x y movement dir offset ??? ??? timer

    x         X-coordinate on map in tiles
    y         Y-coordinate on map in tiles
    movement  1 := walk -> movement script
              2 := stand still
    dir       0 := down
              1 := up
              2 := left
              3 := right
    offset    I think this is an y-offset in pixels
    timer     Milliseconds between animation ticks, translates to
              movement speed

An example line:

  1 17 18 1 0 4 1 1 1100

This NPCs frameset is loaded from “npckid1” (actually: “.png”, but
the old Win32 executable relies on “.bmp” here).

  1       NPC is active
  17      X coordinate
  18      Y coordinate
  1       walking (should load a file for this)
  0       Facing south
  4       Y-Offset (which is currently implemented by default)
  1       ???
  1       ???
  1100    Speed of movement (actually this should read "delay")

Use a file called “” (where # is a number from 1 on) to do something I don’t understand yet.
It SHOULD control an NPCs movement and contain script files to load
when you want to talk to her. But then there’s all that byte gibberish
of which I can’t imagine any meaningful purpose…

Script Syntax

  Blocks all user's input. Value might indicate a direction or just a
  status (on/off).

  value     I'm not sure yet ...

  Checks a "flag" against a value. On success a GOTO will be executed,
  on failure the parser will continue in the script.

  flagno    Number of flag in global game flag array.
  comp      MT := >
            LT := <
            ST := == (I think I thought of "same than" x_x)
  val       Value to compare against.
  tag       GOTO-Tag to jump if check returns true.

  Ends script execution right here. Usually, the player re-gains control
  over his character.

  Sets a flag to a certain value.

  flagno    Number of the flag to be changed.
  value     Numeric value to set the flag to.

  Here, the coordinates' syntax differs from PLAYERPOS. I don't know
  why, though. Probably I was confused when I implemented this command.

  x         X-coordinate on the map to make a collision on
  y         Y-coordinate to block
  value     "1" or "0" represents "block" and "block off" accordingly.

  Loads a map.

  tileset   The filename of a tileset.
  mapname   The filename of a map. Scripts and .ani files should be
            titled accordingly, so this is a rather important part.

  Moves the player character in a certain direction.

  dir       1 := down
            2 := right

  Warps a player to a certain position. This should only be used right
  before loading a map and not during the game.

  x y       A pair of coordinates. Really don't use a comma, just
            separate the two values with a space. X=12, Y=67 hence
            becomes "12 67" (w/o quotation marks, of course).

  Defines a tag to which a GOTO or CHECKFLAG may jump in the script.
  On loading, the tags shall be parsed from the script and stored in
  an array/hash.

  tagname   Any alphanumerical value w/o special chars to identify
            the line to which the parser shall jump.

  Displays a box of dialogue which MUST contain 4 Lines (use " " for 
  empty lines!). The name of who speaks will be displayed on top of
  the text (it's like a 5th line).

  This time, you HAVE TO use the quotation marks at beginning and end
  of each line.