This repository includes an experimental framework for assessing the quality and performance of detectors of integrity attacks to smart-meters.
- src: this folder includes the Python source code (organized in sub-folders):
- preprocessing: datasets pre-processing module and synthetic dataset generator
- detectors: software detectors, detector infrastructure
- experiments: the experiments launcher module
- analytics: the dashboard module
- script_results: outputs from the experiments.
- requirements.txt: the Python3 packages required to run the scripts
- README: this file
- .gitignore: specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
The dependencies of the tool are listed in requirements.txt. You can run the following command for installing them:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You must run all the python3
commands from the root directory.
The original input datasets are the electricity and gas dataset from the Irish Social Science Data Archive - Commision for Energy Regulation (ISSDA-CER). Both are available, for research purposes, upon request, and the information provided is anonymous.
The experimental framework and experiments results are detailed in:
- S. Bernardi, R. Javierre, J. Merseguer, J. Requeno, Detectors of Smart Grid Integrity Attacks: An Experimental Assessment, 17th European Dependable Computing Conference, 13-16 September 2021, Munich, Germany. See preprint.