The headline above is our mission, and the reason why this community exists.
Open Source Software brings to the world a lot of benefits, from freedom to improved security, but one aspect that also deserves some recognition is being able to build in public and learn collectively from everyone else's experience. For free. Isn't that great?
The community projects you'll find in this GitHub Organization won't have the goal of launching the most successful product but rather improving our skills in building them together.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the projects and join the community!
We're currently building three projects:
- Myntenance: Built in NextJs (App Router), ensures your side projects are not left behind by keeping tracks of your tasks and notes.
- GitHub Stats: Built in Nextjs (Pages Router), is a tool to visualize some of your GitHub stats based on your contributions.
- Billsplit: Built in Qwik, is a tool helping friends sharing equally their expenses for travels or parties.
Do you have a cool idea for a new project for the community? You can suggest one by creating an issue here!
We're also hosting the awesome-community-projects list. If you're looking for welcoming projects to learn something new, have a look!
Are you building in public a project to learn a new technology or test a framework or library and you're happy to accept contributions? Feel free submit a PR to add your project to the list!
There are no particular requirements to join, everyone is welcome! Just let me know your GitHub handle (by raising an issue or for example on Discord) and I'll send you an invite :)
Happy coding!